Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

Creating Customers

This topic contains 2020-07-27+ release content.This topic contains 2020-07-27+ release content. This topic contains some content that applies to e-automate 2020-07-27 (20.1.13)+ releases only. On 020-07-27 (20.1.13)+ releases, you can specify a default price level in the customer type record. Because the Customer type field selection may update the Price level field on the customer record's Billing tab, the Customer type field was moved from the customer record's Accounting tab to the customer record header. If you are on a release prior to e-automate 2020-07-27 (20.1.13), the Customer type field still appears on the customer record's Accounting tab and the system does not update the Price level field on the customer record's Billing tab with a default price level associated with the customer type record.

A customer is an individual or organization to whom you sell goods and/or services. A prospect is an individual or organization to whom you are attempting to market or sell your goods or services, but who is not yet a customer.

The customer list includes all the customers and prospect profiles in your database. Customers can have locations associated with them in their customer profile. Customers and locations have a parent/child relationship. Customers can have multiple locations (children), but children can only have one parent. Each customer and its location are listed in the customer list.

Customers are automatically numbered in e-automate. The system takes the first letter of the first word and the first letter of the second word, and adds 00. For example, if the customer is named John Doe, e-automate generates a number of JD00. If your customer list already contained a JD00, the system would assign JD01 (or, if that number was also already used, the next available increment number). If the customer name only has one word, e-automate selects the first letter of the name and adds 00. You do not have to use the automatically assigned customer number. You can override the customer number and use any unique customer number you like.

Customers have a customer number, and locations have a customer number with an additional location identifier added to the end of the customer number. This creation of customer number is only available when you create a new location from the Locations tab of the parent customer. For example, if the parent customer's customer number is JD00, then the first location of customer JD00 would have a customer number of JD00-001. Because e-automate numbers the customers in this manner, it is easy to see parent and child customers together on the customer list when sorted by customer number. You can change your numbering system to meet your own needs, but the parent-child relationship still applies.

The taxable status of a customer is initially configured on the customer record and can only be permanently changed from the customer record. The tax status identified on the customer record is inherited on all transactions assigned to the customer such as invoices, sales quotes, sales orders, contracts, service calls etc. When the customer is selected, the Billing/Contact tab is automatically populated with the tax settings for that customer—their tax code, if they are taxable, and their exempt code. You can, however, override the customer’s tax status on the different transactions, if necessary.

The information in a customer profile is used:

As the source in e-automate for customer/prospect information

To supply default information for sales and accounts receivable activities

In addition, sales, service, and accounts receivable activities such as creation of sales quotes, sales orders, sales invoices, equipment, contracts, and recording of customer payments cannot be processed for a customer unless a profile for the customer has been added to the customer list.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

On the e-automate tool bar, click [Customers] to open the Customers window.

Click [New] to open the New Customer window.

Basic InformationBasic Information

In the Name field, enter the customer's name.

To manage one or more alternate names by which the customer is known (i.e., a customer alias or "also known as" name), do the following:

Click the [Aliases...] button to the right of the Name field. The system opens the Edit Customer Aliases window.

Using the Edit Customer Aliases window, do any of the following:

To add an alias, do the following:

In the Alias field, enter another name by which this customer is known.

Click the [QuickAdd] button to add this name to the Aliases grid.

To update an alias, do the following:

From the Aliases grid, select the alias you want to update.

In the Alias field, update the name by which this customer is known.

Click the [Update] button to update this name to the Aliases grid.

To delete an alias, do the following:

From the Aliases grid, select the alias you want to delete.

In the Alias field, update the name by which this customer is known.

Click the [Delete] button to delete this name from the Aliases grid.

Click the [OK] button to save your changes and to close this window, or click the [Close] or [Cancel] button to close this window without saving your changes.

In the Customer type field, use the lookup to select a category for classifying this customer.
Note: If you select a customer type for which a default price level is specified in the customer type record, the system will populate the Price level field on the Billing tab of the customer record with the default price level.

In the Number field, make no change to use the identification number assigned by the system or override this number if your company has its own preferred method of assigning customer numbers.

Once the customer record is created, the system populates the Created on field with the date the record was created and the Login User ID of the individual who created the record. If you hover over this field, the system also displays the date on which this record was last updated and the Login User ID of the individual who last updated the record.

Address TabAddress Tab

Click the Address tab to bring it forward.  field, enter the

In the Physical address area, do the following:

In the Attention field, enter the name of the person at the customer location which invoices should be sent.

In the Address field, enter the customer's street address.

In the City field, enter the city in which the customer is located.

In the County field, enter the county in which the customer is located.
Note: City, county, and state are used with tax code search.

In the State field, enter the state or province in which the customer is located.

In the Zip field, enter the customer's postal or zip code.

In the Country field, enter the country in which the customer is located.

In the Billing address area, if the Billing Address and Physical Address are different, do the following:

Uncheck the Same as physical address checkbox.

Enter the following information:

In the Attention field, enter the name of the person at the customer billing location to whom invoices should be sent.

In the Address field, enter the customer's billing street address.

In the City field, enter the city in which the customer’s billing address is located.

In the County field, enter the county in which the customer’s billing address is located.

In the State field, enter the state or province in which the customer’s billing address is located.

In the Zip field, enter the customer's postal or zip code.

In the Country field, enter the country in which the customer is located.

In the Other area, enter the following:

In the Phone 1 field, enter the customer's primary phone number.

In the Phone 2 field, enter the customer's secondary phone number.

In the Fax field, enter the customer's fax number.

In the E-mail field, enter the customer's email address.

In the Website field, enter the customer's web address, if applicable.

Locations TabLocations Tab

Click the Locations tab to bring it forward.

To add another customer location (child location) to this customer record, do the following:

Click [OK] to save the customer record and return to the Customers window.
Note: Before you can add locations to a customer record, you must first save the customer information.  Before you can save the record, you may also be required to complete some additional information on other tabs.  Complete the required information, save the record, and then return to this tab to add an additional location for this customer.

From the customer list, double-click on the customer record to which you want to add a location. The Edit Customer window opens.

Click the Locations tab to bring it forward.

Do ONE of the following:

To identify an already existing customer as a location of this customer, do the following:

In the Location field, use the lookup to select the location.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the location to the location list.

To create a new location, do the following:

Click [New location] to open the New Customer Location window.

Enter the appropriate information.
Note: The tabs and fields on this window are the same as found on the New Customer window or the Edit Customer window.

Click [OK] to save the customer location information.

To edit a customer location, do the following:

From the list of customer locations, select the customer and click [Edit].

Make the necessary changes.

Click [OK] to save your changes.

To remove a customer location, do the following:

Select the customer from the list.

Click [Remove].
Note: Removing a customer from the Locations tab simply breaks the parent-child relationship. It does not delete the customer from the customer list.

Billing TabBilling Tab

Click the Billing tab to bring it forward.

To bill invoices for this customer to a different customer, check the Use alternate bill to customer checkbox. When checked, a different customer will always be billed for transactions associated with this customer.
Note: For example, assume you have a customer that is a school and you always bill the district office for their business transactions. You would check this checkbox and specify the customer that is to receive the bill. This is a default billing override, so every time you do work for this customer the bill will automatically be assigned to the specified customer. E-automate allows you to change the billing customer on any transaction as necessary.

In the Bill to field, use the lookup to identify the customer to be invoiced.
Note: This field is enabled only if you checked the Use alternate bill to customer checkbox.

Do one of the following:

If an unlimited amount of credit is to be extended to this customer, check the Unlimited credit checkbox.

If a limited amount of credit is to be extended to this customer, do the following:

Do not check the Unlimited credit checkbox.

In the Credit limit field, enter the maximum monetary amount of credit that is to be extended to this customer.
Note: Only users with rights can process transactions where this customer’s credit limit is exceeded.

In the Price level field, use the lookup to select the price level to assign to this customer.
Note: The price level can influence the price this customer pays for inventory items.

In the Terms field, use the lookup to select the default payment terms offered to this customer when this customer is billed. Terms can be modified on a transactional basis.

In the Blanket PO field, enter the purchase order number, if any, given by the customer to be used for each purchase.

If the customer requires a purchase order number on each placed invoice, check the Require PO number checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

If the system should notify the user when a duplicate purchase order number is entered for a transaction, check the Warn of duplicate PO numbers checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

To configure this customer for consolidated billing, do the following:

Check the Use consolidated billing checkbox.

Click the [] ellipsis button next to the Use consolidated billing checkbox to access the Consolidated Billing Settings window.

Using the Consolidated Billing Settings window, do the following:

In the Consolidated billing cycle field, use the lookup to select the frequency with which you want e-automate to consolidate this customer’s invoices.

In the Next consolidated billing date field, check the checkbox to the right of the date and select the date on which you want e-automate to consolidate bills for this customer.

In the Minimum consolidated billing amount field, enter the minimum total monetary amount for which e-automate should create a consolidated invoice. If the total amount of all consolidated invoices is less than this amount, e-automate will not create a consolidated invoice. During the next consolidate process, e-automate will check this amount again.

To have e-automate automatically consolidate sales invoices, check the Sales invoices checkbox. When checked, e-automate automatically checks the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox on sales invoices.
Note: You can change the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox setting on a per sales invoice basis unless 1) this box is checked for the invoice by default, 2) a minimum total invoice amount applies, and 3) the invoice's total amount is below the minimum total invoice amount.  If these three conditions apply, the invoice's Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox will be checked and cannot be unchecked.

To have e-automate automatically consolidate service invoices, check the Service invoices checkbox. When checked, e-automate automatically checks the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox on service invoices.
Note: You can change the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox setting on a per service invoice basis unless 1) this box is checked for the invoice by default, 2) a minimum total invoice amount applies, and 3) the invoice's total amount is below the minimum total invoice amount.  If these three conditions apply, the invoice's Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox will be checked and cannot be unchecked.

To have e-automate automatically consolidate sales and/or service invoices when the total amount of an invoice is less than a specified monetary amount and the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox is checked by default as a result of checking the applicable Sales invoices checkbox and/or Service invoices checkbox above, do the following:

Check the When total amount is less than checkbox.

In the When total amount is less than field, enter the total monetary amount of the invoice below which the system will automatically include the invoice in the consolidated billing queue without allowing the Add to consolidated billing queue checkbox to be unchecked for that invoice.

Click [OK] to save the consolidated billing settings. For more information on consolidated billing, see the Consolidated Billing topic.

To allow a price to be specified for each inventory item for this customer, check the Use customer pricing checkbox, otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked. For more information on customer pricing, see the Setting Item Prices - Customer Pricing topic.

To allow a location customer (child) to inherit the same special pricing as the parent customer, check the Use master customer pricing checkbox.
Note: This option is only available for location customers (e.g., for a CN00-001 child customer of CN00 parent customer) when the Use Customer pricing checkbox is checked in the Customer record of the location customer and in the Customer record of the parent customer.

To configure a customer to be sent automated customer statements, check the Send customer statements checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked. For more information, see the Auto-Sending Customer Statements topic.

In the Tax Code field, use the drop-down menu to select the tax code to assign to this customer.
Note: The system assigns this tax code by default to all invoices that are shipped to this customer. You can change the tax code on a per-transaction basis.
Note: To search for the applicable tax code, do the following:

Click the [...] ellipsis button to the right of the Tax code field. The system opens the Find Tax Code window.

In the State field, enter the customer's state (or make no change to use the state displayed.

In the County field, enter the customer's county (or make no change to use the county displayed.

In the City field, enter the customer's city (or make no change to use the city displayed.

Click the [Search] button to display the applicable tax code.

Select the applicable tax code from the display.

Click the [OK] button.  The system returns the selected tax code.  Additionally, the system will update the City, County, and State portions of the customer's address if the values in those fields differ from the values associated with the selected tax code.

Do one of the following:

If taxes are to be assessed on invoices for this customer, check the Taxable checkbox.

If taxes are not to be assessed on invoices for this customer, do the following:

Do not check the Taxable checkbox.

In the Exempt code field, use the lookup to select the tax exemption code that indicates why tax is not to be assessed on invoices for this customer.

In the Tax number field, enter the tax-exempt number for this customer.

In the Fed Employer ID field, enter the Federal Employee Identification number of the customer.

If this customer can be assessed finance charges, check the Assess finance charges checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

In the Misc charge field, use the lookup to select a standard adjustment charge, if any, to apply to service invoices for this customer.
Note: If you specify a standard adjustment charge, the system adds this standard adjustment charge to every service invoice you generate for this customer. The system does not automatically apply this standard adjustment charge to other types of invoices (e.g., contract, sales, or miscellaneous charge invoices) for this customer.

If e-agent may place or remove a hold for this customer, check the Use e-agent to place or release from credit hold checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

If e-info should hide invoices billed to this customer, check the Hide sales orders in e-info billed to this customer checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.
Note: This checkbox only applies in the e-info customer web portal. This checkbox is typically used on leasing company customers. It allows you to create invoices to a customer, bill the invoice to a leasing company, and prevent the customer from seeing the leasing company invoice.

In the Charge Method field, use the lookup to select the charge method (Credit Card/ACH or On Account) you use to charge this customer for goods or services.

To add a charge account, do the following:

Click [Charge Accounts] to open the Customer Charge Accounts window.

Click [Add] to open the Add Charge Account window.  Complete the following fields as appropriate:

In the Name on account field, enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card.

In the Address field, enter the billing address for the credit card.

In the City field, enter the billing city for the credit card.

In the State field, enter the billing state or province for the credit card.

In the Zip field, enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card.

In the Phone field, enter the phone number for the credit card.

In the Remarks field, enter any notes for this credit card.

To add a charge account, do the following:

Do ONE of the following:

To add a new credit card account, do the following:

Select the Credit Card radio button.

Click [Add account to vault] to open the NET1 Payment Solutions window.

In the Card Number field, enter the new credit card number to be charged.

In the Expiration field, use the drop-down to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged.

Click [Submit] to save the new account, or click [Cancel] to close and not save the new credit card information.

Click [Close] to close the NET1 Payment Solutions window and return to the Add Charge Account window.
Note: While in the NET1 Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button for help with NET1 Payment Solutions payment questions.

To add a new ACH account, do the following:

Select the ACH radio button.

Click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window.

In the Account number field, enter the bank’s account number to add to this invoice.

In the Routing number field, enter the bank’s routing number to add to this invoice.

In the Checking/Savings: field, enter elect which account type, either checking or savings.

Click [OK] to save the ACH account information and return to the Add Charge Account window.

Click [OK] to save the new account information, or click [Cancel] to close the Add Charge Account window.

To remove a credit card:

Select the credit card you want to remove.

Click [Delete]. E-automate deletes the card from the customer account.

Click [Close] to close the Customer Charge Accounts window.

To edit a credit card:

Select the credit card you want to edit.

Click [Edit]. E-automate opens the Credit Card Information window.

Make appropriate changes.

Click [OK] to save the changes.

Click [Close] to close the Customer Charge Accounts window.

In the A/R Rep field, use the lookup to select the A/R Rep for this customer.

Account TabAccount Tab

Click the Account tab to bring it forward.

In the Customer type field, use the lookup to select the customer classification to assign to this customer.

In the Ship method field, use the lookup to select the ship method assigned to this customer. This method is used by e-automate on all transactions. You can change it on a per transaction basis.

In the Sales Rep field, use the lookup to select the person within your company responsible for selling to this customer.
Note: This sales rep will get credit for all sales unless on the AR invoice or sales order screen you override this sales rep with another, or remove the sales rep and leave it blank.

In the Technician field, use the lookup to select the technician associated with this customer.
Note: Any time equipment is created with this customer, the Technician field on the equipment is populated with this technician. However, you can change it as needed.

In the Territory field, use the lookup to select the territory associated with this customer.
Note: Any time equipment is created with this customer, the Territory field is populated with this territory. However, you can change it as needed.

In the On-site warehouse field, if this customer has a warehouse located on site, use the lookup to select the on-site warehouse here. For information on configuring customer warehouses, see the Configuring Warehouses topic.

In the SLA code field, use the lookup to select the SLA code associated with this customer.
Note: If you want to define a custom SLA code or edit an existing SLA code, use the SLA code field's drop-down menu to select New or Edit, respectively. For SLA code setup information, see the Creating SLA Codes topic. For information on defining or editing company hours, see the Creating Company Hours topic.

In the Time zone field, use the lookup to select the time zone in which this customer is located.
Note: Time zones allow e-automate to correctly calculate times used in the Service module.

In the Miles field, enter the number of miles from your location to this customer’s location.
Note: If this field is populated and the Default mileage to customers' distance from branch box is checked in Tools > Options > Service calls at the time a service call labor record is entered for this customer, the system defaults this field's value into the labor record's Billable mileage field.

In the Branch field, use the lookup to select the branch associated with this customer.
Note: The Branch field is only displayed when branching is enabled. For more information, see the Enabling Branching topic.

In the On hold code field, use the lookup to select an On Hold code if you need to place this customer on hold. On Hold codes are user defined.

Messages TabMessages Tab

Click the Messages tab to bring it forward.

Do one or more of the following:

To add a message that can display when this customer is selected on sales transactions (sales quotes, sales orders, sales invoices, or credit memos):

Click [Add] in the Sales Message region.

In the Frequency region, determine the frequency of this message. You can configure the following frequencies:

Repeat until MM/DD/YYYY: When selected and a date is identified, this message can be displayed on every sales transaction until the specified date.

Repeat indefinitely: When selected, this message can be displayed on every sales transaction until you remove the message.

Show One Time: When selected, this message can be displayed on the next sales transaction only. This message will only display once.

In the Subject field, enter the subject of the message.

In the Message field, enter the message you want displayed during the sales transaction.

Click [OK] to save the message.
Note: Your administrator determines whether messages that pop up open immediately, or if users have to click to see messages on transactions.

To add a message that can display when this customer is selected on a service call:

Click [Add] in the Service Message region.

In the Frequency region, determine the frequency of this message. You can configure the following frequencies:

Repeat until MM/DD/YYYY: When selected and a date is identified, this message can be displayed on every service call until the specified date.

Repeat indefinitely: When selected, this message can be displayed on every service call until you remove the message.

Show One Time: When selected, this message can be displayed on the next service call only. This message will only display once.

In the Subject field, enter the subject of the message.

In the Message field, enter the message you want displayed during the service call.

Click [OK] to save the message.
Note: Your administrator determines whether messages that pop up open immediately, or if users have to click to see messages on transactions.

To edit a message:

Click [Edit] in the appropriate region, Sales Message or Service Message.

Use [Clear] to clear all fields and reset the message.

Make appropriate changes.

Click [OK].

To delete a message, click [Delete] in the appropriate region, Sales Message or Service Message.

Contacts TabContacts Tab

Click the Contacts tab to bring it forward.

Do one or more of the following:

To exclude inactive contacts from the contacts list, verify the Show inactive contacts checkbox is not checked (the default selection); to include inactive contacts in the contacts list, check the Show Inactive Contacts checkbox.
Note: When this box is checked, the system adds a column to the far left of the contacts list if any contacts for this customer are inactive.  A red exclamation icon in this column indicates the contact is inactive.

To associate an existing contact with this customer, do the following:

In the Add contact field, use the lookup icon to select the contact to be associated with this customer.

In the Job Title field, use the lookup icon to select the job title for the contact.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the contact to the contact list.

To create and associate a new contact for this customer, do the following:

Use the Add contact field's drop-down menu to select New. The New Contact window open.

Enter the appropriate information. For more information on entering contacts, see the Creating Contacts topic.

Click [OK] to save the new contact information and return to the customer window.

In the Job Title field, use the lookup icon to select the job title for the contact.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the contact to the contact list.

To associate a new contact and job title combination with this customer, do the following:

In the Add contact field, do one of the following:

To enter an existing contact, use the lookup to select the contact you want to list for this record.

To enter a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system opens the New Contact window. For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic. When you complete the process, the system populates this field with the new contact you created.

In the Job Title field, do one of the following:

To enter an existing job title, use the lookup to select the job title you want to list for this record.

To enter a new job title, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system opens the New Job Title window. For more information on creating a new job title, see the Creating Job Titles topic. When you complete the process, the system populates this field with the new job title you created.

Click [QuickAdd]. The system adds the new contact and job title combination to the display on this window.

To update a contact-and-job-title combination associated with this customer, do the following:

Select from the list the record you want to update.

In the Add contact field, do one of the following:

To change the contact's name to a different existing contact's name, use the lookup to select the contact you want to list for this record.

To enter a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system opens the New Contact window. For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic. When you complete the process, the system populates this field with the new contact you created.

In the Job Title field, do one of the following:

To change the job title to a different existing job title, use the lookup icon to select the job title you want to list for this record.

To enter a new job title, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system opens the New Job Title window. For more information on creating a new job title, see the Creating Job Titles topic. When you complete the process, the system populates this field with the new job title you created.

Click [Update]. The system updates the display on this window.

To add a task for a contact, do the following:

Select the contact from the contact list.

Click [Task...].  The system opens the New Task Detail window. For information on working with tasks, see the Working with AR Tasks topic.
Note: You can also work with tasks on the Tasks tab of this window.  See the "Tasks Tab" section of this topic for more information.

When finished, click [OK] to close the New Task Detail window, save the new task, and update the display on the Tasks tab.

To disassociate a contact from a customer, do the following:

Select the contact from the contact list.

Click [Remove].

Confirm you want to remove the contact by clicking [Yes].

To edit a contact’s information, do the following:

Select the contact from the list.

Click [Edit].

Make appropriate changes.

Click [OK].

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

In the Accounts receivable contact field, use the lookup to select the contact associated with the customer for accounts receivable activities. You must select from an already created and associated contact. This contact’s name, phone, and fax are displayed in the Accounts Receivable Console, instead of the customer’s actual phone and fax number. Additionally, if an Email address is present on the Profile tab of the Contacts record for this contact and you process a credit card transaction that uses this customer as the bill-to customer and that qualifies for the discounted Level 3 interchange rate, the system will include this contact's e-mail address with the data sent to NET1 Payment Solutions for processing and NET1 Payments Solutions will automatically email a receipt to this accounts receivable contact for the credit card transaction that qualified for the discounted Level 3 interchange rate.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the contact with the customer.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.

In the Invoice method field, use the lookup to select the method for communicating invoices between dealer and customer. You can configure your customers to receive communication via email, fax, or printed communication.

In the Equipment contact field, use the lookup to select the person from the customer’s list of contacts to be defaulted to each newly created equipment record associated with this customer as the default contact.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the contact with the customer.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.

In the Decision maker contact field, use the lookup to select the person from the customer’s list of contacts to be defaulted as the decision maker for equipment associated with this customer. This contact is also pushed to contracts associated with this customer.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the contact with the customer.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.

In the Meter reading contact field, use the lookup to select the person from the customer’s list of contacts designated to be the default person for meter requests.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the contact with the customer.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.

To automatically enable the meter reading request feature on metered equipment with the meter reading contact identified, check the Use automatic meter requests checkbox; otherwise, leave this checkbox unchecked.

In the Equipment shipping contact field, use the lookup to select the person from the customer’s list of contacts to be defaulted to each newly created shipped equipment record.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the contact with the customer.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.

Tasks TabTasks Tab

Click the Tasks tab to bring it forward.

To add a task to this customer record, do the following:
Note: You cannot add a task unless you have already associated the contact with the customer record and saved the customer record.

After selecting or creating the contact from the Contacts tab, click [OK] to save the customer record and return to the Customers window.

From the customer list, double-click on the customer record you just created to open the Edit Customer window.

Click the Tasks tab to bring it forward.

Click [New] to open the New Task Detail window.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

In the Contact field, use the lookup to select the customer contact for this task.

In the Task type field, use the lookup to select the task type.
Note: You define the different tasks that you have in your company database.

In the Assigned to field, use the lookup to select the person the task is assigned to.

In the Scheduled for field, use the calendar to select the date the task should begin.

In the Completed on field, use the calendar to select the date the task was completed. Leave this checkbox unchecked until you have completed the task. Tasks can be marked complete later.

In the Follow up date field, use the calendar to select the date a follow up is scheduled.

In the Description field, enter a description of the task.

Click [OK] to add the task to the task list.

To edit a task, select the task from the task list and click [Edit].

To delete a task, select the task from the task list and click [Delete].

E-info TabE-info Tab

Click the e-info tab to bring it forward.
Note: Use this tab to set your customer’s access to your system via the Internet through e-info. You use e-info to offer your customers controlled and limited access to e-automate functionality. E-info can enable your customers access to the following areas:

Equipment: Where a customer can view equipment on and off contract as well as submit service calls.

Sales Orders: Where a customer can submit supply orders for equipment.

Service Calls: Where a customer can submit service calls and view service history.

Meter Entry: Where a customer can enter meter readings directly to your e-automate database.

Account History: Where a customer can view customer account history.

Service History: Where a customer can view service history associated with equipment.

Order by Category: Allows a customer to order items by simply identifying the category of the item number.

User Management: Where a customer can make changes to their account.

Propagate To Locations: Determines all contacts associated with the parent customer inherit the rights that the parent location has for all locations.

To grant the customer access to a particular type of information or area via e-info, do the following:

In the Web contact field, use the lookup to select the web contact person, or click the drop-down menu and select New to create a contact.

Click [Add] to add the contact to the list.

In the Company Access row, check the box(es) corresponding to the access you wish to grant to the customer.

In the newly created row corresponding to the web contact, check the box(es) corresponding to the access you wish to grant to the web contact customer.

To add a custom link to the e-info web page for this customer, in the Web custom link field, use the drop-down menu to select the link you want to display. For information on setting up web custom links from which to select, see the Creating Web Custom Links to Display in e-info topic.

Customproperties TabCustomproperties Tab

If the Customproperties tab is available, click the Customproperties tab to bring it forward and complete information as appropriate.  For more information on custom properties, see the Setting Custom Properties topic.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

To indicate this record is for a prospect and not yet a customer, check the Prospect checkbox near the bottom of the window.

Click [OK] to save the customer/prospect information.

Additional InfoAdditional Info

Adding a Customer LocationAdding a Customer Location

When you specify a customer location, you are specifying or adding another customer to your customer list and applying a parent/child relationship to the customer and its respective location(s). If you have already added the location for a customer as a customer, you can simply select the customer from the Locations tab of the master customer record (parent) and e-automate will apply the relationship. If you are editing a customer that is a child of another customer and you click the Locations tab, you will notice that the customer is specified as a location of the parent customer and you cannot add another location to the child.

Customer InactivationCustomer Inactivation

E-automate allows you to deactivate a customer in your database at any time as long as the following exceptions don't apply:

Customer has an active location customer

Customer has an active equipment

Customer has an active contract

Customer has another active customer that uses them as a Bill To

You are allowed to deactivate a customer who has an open balance, however you will see a warning alerting you that there is an open balance associated with that customer.

Customer List Pre-Defined QuickSearchesCustomer List Pre-Defined QuickSearches

The [Searches] button in the QuickSearch region of the Customers list window provides access to the following two pre-defined searches:

Master customer records only display parent customers on your customer list, hiding all location (children) customers.

Enabled for Internet Access displays customers that are configured to access e-info.

For more information on using QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.

Synchronizing Customer FieldsSynchronizing Customer Fields

In e-automate when you create equipment or contracts for a customer, the system takes the default values you defined on the customer record and populates fields on either the equipment or the contract. On the individual equipment or contract records you can change or modify any of the defaults populated. You use the synchronize functionality to update fields on the various equipment or contracts that are linked to a customer.

For example, when you first acquired a customer and entered the customer in your system you identified on that customer record the sales rep responsible for that customer. Each time you completed a sale, e-automate associated the sale with the sales rep identified on the customer record. Each time you created an equipment record or contract, e-automate also pushed this sales rep to the equipment and contract respectively. Years later, the sales rep quits working for your company and you hire a new sales rep. You decide that the new sales rep will take over for the sales rep that quit. You then want to place the new sales rep on all equipment and contracts that are linked to the customer. You add the new employee, then go to the customer record you want assigned to the new sales rep. and assign the rep. You can now use the synchronize functionality to update all contracts and equipment records linked to the customer with the new sales rep. You can also use the synchronize functionality to update many defaults identified on the customer record.

To synchronize customer fields, do the following:

From the e-automate toolbar, click [Customers].

Select the customer you want to synchronize and click [Edit].

Click the Synchronize fields button (displayed as two opposing arrows in the bottom left corner of the Edit Customer window).

In the Available Fields to Synchronize region, click on the source field you want to synchronize. The Available Fields to Synchronize region displays the Source Field column (field on the customer record), the Source Value (the current value in the Source Field on the customer record), and Destination (the equipment or contract field you could update). When you click on a row in the Available Fields to Synchronize region, e-automate displays the possible destinations.

In the Current Destination Values region, determine which destination values you want to update and check them as appropriate. You can use [Check All] and [Uncheck All] as necessary.

When you have all records selected that you want to update, click [Update]. e-automate confirms you want to update the records with an Attention required window. Click [Yes] to update the records or [No] to cancel the update.
Note: Clicking [Update] and confirming will take the value from the customer record for the selected field and push that value to the checked records (either equipment or contracts).

Viewing More InformationViewing More Information

While editing a customer, you can access other lists to view more information about the customer.  To view more information, do the following:

Click the [More info] button to open the "More Information" window.
Note: The system names this window based on the list selected in the window's Available Lists field. If you select a different list, the system updates the name of this window accordingly.

Using the "More Information" window, do any of the following:

To display a different list, in the Available Lists field, use the drop-down menu to select a list. You can view the following lists:

Customer Invoices: Displays a list of accounts receivable invoices entered for this customer, whether paid or not.

Customer Payments: Displays a list of all payments ever received from this customer.

Equipment: Displays a list of equipment linked to this customer.

Open Customer Transactions: Displays a list of all open transactions associated with this customer.

Sales Orders: Displays a list of all sales orders linked to this customer.

Sales Quotes: Displays a list of all sales quotes linked to this customer.

Service Calls: Displays a list of all service calls entered for this customer, open or invoiced.

Service Contracts: Displays a list of all contracts associated with this customer, current, expired, or terminated.

To locate specific information in the selected list, enter search criteria in the QuickSearch region.  For more information on using QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.

To export the information from the display in an on-premise environment, do the following:

Click the  [Export] button. The system opens a Save As window, defaults the save as location to be your Documents folder, populates the File name field with a default file name, and gives you the option to set the Save as type to Excel Workbook (*.xlsx), CSV (*.csv), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods), or HTML (*.html).

Using the Save As window, do the following:

To use the default save as location, make no change; to save the file to a different folder location, navigate to the location where you want to save the file.

In the File name field, enter a name for this export file, or make no change to use the name displayed.
Note: The system defaults the file name to [Available List Name] (e.g., Customer invoices) if you did not perform a QuickSearch before exporting the data or to [Available List Name] - Filtered by QuickSearch.csv (e.g., Customer invoices - Filtered by QuickSearch) if you did perform a QuickSearch before exporting the data. If you keep the default file name and the system detects that a file with that name already exists, the system will alert you to see if you want to overwrite the file or choose a different file name.

In the Save as type field, make no change to use Excel Workbook (*.xlsx), the default setting, or select one of the following file format types: CSV (*.csv), OpenDocument Spreadsheet (*.ods), or HTML (*.html).

Click the [Save] button to save the file.

When finished, click the [Close] button to close the "More Information" window.


To add an attachment to this Customer record, click the  Attachment button to access the Atachments window. For information on using this window, see the Managing Attachments topic.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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