Auto-sending Customer Statements
You can use e-automate in conjunction with e-agent to automatically create customer statements and send them to your customers via mail, fax, or email. In the e-automate customer record, you can flag a customer to either send statements, or not to receive statements. Ultimately, whether you send a customer a statement or not is up to you, as you can also choose to ignore the customer statement configuration.
Before you can automate the sending of customer statements, certain information must be in place. Each customer to whom you intend to automatically send a customer statement must have a default accounts receivable contact, and an invoice method, identified on the customer record for automatic sending. If you are only sending a printed version to the document queue, then an accounts receivable contact is not required. E-automate will use the invoice method identified on the customer record when sending customer statements, and ignore the method identified on the accounts receivable contact record. When identifying a contact and an invoice method, verify that the method value is displayed adjacent to the Invoice method field. For example, if you selected Fax, e-automate displays the fax number if there is one. If there is not a fax number, e-automate displays a question mark. Method values must be listed with a valid value before automated statements can be sent to the customer.
Once you have identified the contact to which you will send statements, and the invoice method, you can then use an e-agent task called Auto Queue Customer Statements, to create the customer statements and place them in the document queue. When the statements have been automatically created and placed in the queue, you will use a second e-agent task, Autosend Documents, to print, fax, or email the statements based on the customer invoice method. Before you can use these e-agent tasks, you must first install and configure e-agent.
Enabling Customers to Receive StatementsEnabling Customers to Receive Statements
From the e-automate Tools menu, select Bulk updates to open the Bulk Updates window.
Note: Users must have system rights to perform bulk updates. Use bulk updates cautiously due to the amount of data that can be updated. Best practice recommendation is backing up the database prior to a bulk update, during a time of low e-automate usage.
In the Update list field, use the drop-down menu to select Customers.
To filter the customer list, use the QuickSearch. For more information on using the QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.
Do one or more of the following to select the customers who are to be configured to receive statements:
To select all the customers listed in the display, click the [Check all] button. The system checks the checkbox at the beginning of the row for each customer, indicating all customers listed in the display are to be configured to receive statements.
To unselect all the customers listed in the display, click the [Uncheck all] button. The system unchecks the checkbox at the beginning of the row for each customer, indicating none of the customers listed in the display are to be configured to receive statements.
To manually select customers from the list, check the checkbox at the beginning of the row for each customer who is to be configured to receive statements.
To manually unselect customers from the list, uncheck the checkbox at the beginning of the row for each customer who is not to be configured to receive statements.
In the Update field (lower left), use the drop-down menu to select Send statements.
Check the Send statements checkbox.
Click [Update] to update the Send statement checkbox setting in the Customer record for each customer selected in Step 4. E-automate displays the Confirm window.
To make the changes you identified, click [Yes]; otherwise, click [No] and make necessary adjustments.
If you clicked [Yes] in Step 8, e-automate displays the Completed window, notifying you of the number of records that were updated and asking if you want to refresh the list. Click [Yes] to refresh the list. Click [No] if you do not want the system to refresh the list.
Click [Close] to close the Bulk Updates window.
Identifying a Default AR Contact and Invoice MethodIdentifying a Default AR Contact and Invoice Method
For each customer to whom you want the system to automatically send a customer statement, do the following:
From the e-automate toolbar, click [Customers] to open the Customers list window.
From the customer list, select the customer for which you want to identify a default AR contact and click [Edit].
In the Edit Customer window, click the Contacts tab to bring it forward.
If the contact you want identified as the AR contact is already displayed in the Contacts list, skip to Step 6; otherwise, continue to Step 5.
Enter a new contact by completing the following:
In the Add contact field, use the drop-down menu to select New. E-automate displays the New Contact window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
First name: First name of the contact.
Middle name: Middle name or initial of the contact.
Last name: Last name of the contact.
Preferred full name: Full name by which the contact wants to be known.
Preferred first name: First name by which the contact wants to be known.
Phone 1: Contact’s primary phone number.
Phone 2: Contact’s secondary phone number.
Fax: Contact’s fax number.
Email: Contact’s e-mail address.
Web password: Contact's e-info password.
Attention: Name or department to whom correspondence is addressed.
Address: Contact’s street address.
City: City in which the contact’s address is located.
State: State or province in which the contact is located.
Zip: Contact’s postal or zip code.
Country: Country in which the contact is located.
Sales rep: Person within your company responsible for selling to this contact.
In the Preferred Contact Method region, select the method you typically use to communicate with this contact. While e-automate uses the Invoice method specified on the customer record to determine in which format to send invoices and statements, e-automate also requires that you select a preferred method on the contact. Be sure that you have populated a value for the method you intend to use as the invoice method. For example, if you send invoices and statements to the customer via e-mail, be sure to identify an e-mail address on the contact record.
If you want to include meter instructions in the meter requests that are sent automatically, check the Include meter instructions in auto meter requests checkbox.
If you want the equipment location remarks to be included in all communications to this contact, check the Include equipment location remarks in all communications checkbox. The equipment location remarks can be found in the Location remarks field on the Equipment tab of the equipment record.
Click [OK] to save your new contact and return to the Edit customer window.
In the Edit customer window > Contacts tab > Job title field, use the lookup to select a job title for this contact.
Note: For more information on creating job titles, see the Creating Job Titles topic.
Click [QuickAdd] to associate this contact with the selected job title with this customer.
In the Accounts receivable contact field, use the lookup icon to select the contact to whom you intend to send invoices and customer statements.
In the Invoice method field, use the drop-down menu to select an invoice method. E-automate uses this method for sending both invoices and customer statements.
Note: If you set Invoice method to Email or Fax, verify that the contact's method-of-contact information displays to the right of the Invoice method field. For example, you should see the accounts receivable contact’s e-mail address or fax number, respectively. If you see ”Missing e-mail address” or "Missing fax number", you need to populate the selected field in the Contact record. To populate the Phone, Fax, or Email field in this contact's Contact record, do the following:
In the Accounts receivable contact field, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The Edit Contact window displays.
Note: If you do not have security rights to edit, e-automate displays a warning. You must leave the Customer record, go to the contacts list, locate the contact, edit the contact and make the necessary changes.
Add a value to the appropriate Phone 1, Fax, or Email field.
Click [OK] to return to the Edit Customer window. A verification window displays.
Acknowledge the change by clicking [Yes].
Click [OK] to save the changes to the Customer record.
Using the Auto Queue Customer StatementsUsing the Auto Queue Customer Statements
Log on to the computer in which e-agent is installed and running.
Note: E-agent must be running at all times in order for auto-scheduled tasks to work.
If e-agent is running, click on e-agent on the Windows toolbar to bring it forward. If e-agent is not running, click the Windows Start menu, select Programs > e-automate > e-agent. Login to e-agent.
If this is your first time running e-agent, see e-agent Help for assistance with configuration.
From the e-agent toolbar, click [New] to open the New Task window.
Select the Auto Queue Customer Statements task and click [OK] to open the Customer Statements window.
Enter the appropriate information.
Name: The name of this e-agent task. This field is auto-populated by e-agent. You can change the name as necessary.
Automatically approve: When checked, e-agent submits statements that have been pre-approved for sending to the document queue. If you choose not to pre-approve, an employee will have to log into e-automate and approve statements in the document queue before they can be sent.
Minimum balance: When checked, you can identify a minimum cut-off amount for a statement. This feature allows you to not queue statements below your minimum threshold.
Minimum days past due: When checked, you can specify a minimum days past due. For example, you could configure this task to not queue a statement unless the customer has an invoice that is 45 days past due.
Include zero balances: When checked, this task queues statements for customers that have zero account balances.
Include credit balances: When checked, this task includes credit memos in the statements queued.
Include debit balances: When checked, this task includes debit memos in the statements queued.
Queue statements for customers configured to not receive statements: When checked, e-agent creates statements for customers not configured on their customer record to receive statements.
To send statements to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions.
Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox.
To send to one specific customer, use the lookup in the field to select the customer.
To create a Quicksearch filter to send to multiple customers that meet your filter criteria, check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. E-agent displays the Customer window.
In the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to receive statements with this task.
Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value fields as well as the [And/Or] button.
In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate operator.
Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.
In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list.
Click [Go] to display the filtered list.
To further narrow the list, use the drop-down menu to select And or Or as appropriate, then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list.
Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.
Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Customer Statements window.
In the Email field, enter the email address to be notified of the number of statements that e-agent queues.
Note: You can enter multiple email addresses in the Email field, separated by your email program’s separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon.
Click [OK] to save your Customer Statement task.
Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:
Manually run the e-agent task:
Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.
Configure the task to run on a schedule:
Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer Statements window.
In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or select No recurrence.
If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date and time you want the task to begin recurrence.
In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.
Click [OK] to save the schedule.
E-agent Task - Send From Document Queue FaxE-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Fax
Complete these steps if you intend to automatically send documents using fax. If you are not sending documents, invoices and statements by fax, you do not need to complete these steps.
Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. e-agent displays the New Task window.
In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents.
Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.
In the Name field, append Fax to the end of the current name.
Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task faxes. The name must be unique.
In the Request Method region, select Fax.
On the Content tab enter the appropriate information.
See below for field descriptions.
Subject: The subject line displayed on the fax.
Fax message: The message displayed on the fax.
Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information.
Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales invoices that are in the document queue.
Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales quotes that are in the document queue.
Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can fax sales orders that are in the document queue.
Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax service invoices that are in the document queue.
Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed.
Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can fax contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue.
Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can fax miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue.
Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can fax customer statements that are in the document queue.
Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit.
Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.
To send faxes to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions:
Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox.
To fax to one specific customer, use the lookup in the field to select the customer.
To create a Quicksearch filter to fax to multiple customers that meet your filter criteria, check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. The Customer window displays.
In the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to receive faxes using this task.
Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.
In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate operator.
Note: Only operators appropriate for the field selected are displayed.
In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list.
Click [Go] to display the filtered list.
To further narrow the list, use the drop-down menu to select And or Or as appropriate, then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list.
Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.
Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents From Queue window.
To fax for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you only want this task to fax for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the lookup to select the branch.
Note: To have different fax tasks for each branch, create as many fax tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.
Click the Fax Settings tab to bring it forward.
In the Test fax region, select the appropriate fax software you have installed.
In the Cover Pages region, select a pre-defined cover page or select No Cover Page.
Specify settings based on your selected fax option. For example, if you selected VSI-Fax, specify the file output path.
Note: Available fax options are based on the installed fax software.
If you are using Microsoft Fax, you can import your own personal cover page by clicking [Import personal cover pages]. Use the Open window to navigate to your saved cover page file (.cov), select the file, and click [Open]. Select your cover pages as appropriate in the Cover Pages region.
Note: Available fax options are based on the installed fax software.
In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of faxes sent.
Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.
Click [OK] to save the e-agent task.
Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:
Manually run the e-agent task:
Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.
Configure the task to run on a schedule:
Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer Statements window.
In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or select No recurrence.
If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date and time you want the task to begin recurrence.
In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.
Click [OK] to save the schedule.
E-agent Task - Send From Document Queue PrintE-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Print
Complete these steps to automatically send documents to the printer. If you are not automating the sending of documents, invoices and statements to the printer, you do not need to complete these steps.
On the computer where you have installed e-agent, select Start > All Programs > ECI > e-automate. The e-automate logon window displays.
In the User ID field, enter your user ID.
In the Password field, enter your password.
In the Profile field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate profile.
Click [OK] to log in to e-automate.
From the Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. The New Task window is displayed.
In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents.
Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.
In the Name field, append Print to the end of the name.
Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task prints. E-agent requires the name to be unique.
In the Request Method region, select Print.
Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information. See below for field descriptions.
Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales invoices that are in the document queue.
Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales quotes that are in the document queue.
Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can print sales orders that are in the document queue.
Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print service invoices that are in the document queue.
Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed.
Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can print contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue.
Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can print miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue.
Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can print customer statements that are in the document queue.
Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit.
Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.
To print all customers’ invoices, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions.
Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox.
To print just one specific customer, use the lookup in the field to select the customer.
To create a Quicksearch filter to print multiple customers that meet your filter criteria, check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. E-agent displays the Customer window.
In the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the field that allows you to select only the customers to be configured for printing using this task.
Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.
In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate operator.
Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.
In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list.
Click [Go] to display the filtered list.
To further narrow the list, use the drop-down menu to select And or Or as appropriate, then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list.
Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.
Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.
To print for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you want this task to print only for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the lookup to select the branch.
Note: To have different print tasks for each branch, create as many print tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.
Click the Print Settings tab to bring it forward.
In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer.
Note: E-agent displays the printers configured on the e-agent machine. To send this job to a printer not listed, the printer must be loaded on the e-agent machine in order to be selected here.
In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of documents printed.
Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.
Click [OK] to save the e-agent task.
Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:
Manually run the e-agent task:
Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.
Configure the task to run on a schedule:
Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer Statements window.
In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or select No recurrence.
If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date and time you want the task to begin recurrence.
In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.
Click [OK] to save the schedule.
E-agent Task - Send From Document Queue EmailE-agent Task - Send From Document Queue Email
Complete these steps to automatically send documents using email. If you are not sending documents, invoices and statements by email, you do not need to complete these steps.
On the computer where you have installed e-agent, select Start > All Programs > ECI > e-automate. The e-automate logon window displays.
In the User ID field, enter your user ID.
In the Password field, enter your password.
In the Profile field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate profile.
Click [OK] to log in to e-automate.
From the Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
Click [New] to create a new e-agent task. e-agent displays the New Task window.
In the Type field, select Auto send customer documents.
Click [OK] to create the task and open the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.
In the Name field, append Email to the end of the current name.
Note: Select any name you choose that indicates your purpose for the task and also indicates that the task Emails. E-agent requires the name to be unique.
In the Request Method region, select Email.
On the Content tab, enter the appropriate information.
See below for field descriptions.
Subject: The subject line that is entered on created email.
Email message: Message inserted into the body of the email
Click the Filters tab to bring it forward. Enter the appropriate information.
Sales invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales invoices that are in the document queue.
Sales quotes: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales quotes that are in the document queue.
Sales orders: When checked, this e-agent task can email sales orders that are in the document queue.
Service invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email service invoices that are in the document queue.
Show details: When checked, the details of the service invoices are displayed.
Contract invoices/proposals: When checked, this e-agent task can email contract invoices and contract proposals that are in the document queue.
Misc. charge invoices: When checked, this e-agent task can email miscellaneous charge invoices that are in the document queue.
Customer statements: When checked, this e-agent task can email customer statements that are in the document queue.
Show credit limit: When checked, the statements display the customer’s credit limit.
Period length: The period aging length. If you select 30, the statement displays 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, and over 90.
To send email to all customers, leave the Include all customers checkbox checked. To filter the list, complete the following instructions.
Uncheck the Include all customers checkbox.
To email to one specific customer, use the lookup in the field to select the customer.
To create a Quicksearch filter to email multiple customers that meet your filter criteria, check the Use advanced filter checkbox and click [Advanced Filter]. The Customer window is displayed.
In the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the field that allows you to select only customers to be configured to be emailed using this task.
Note: When you select a field, e-automate displays the unlabeled operator and value field as well as the [And/Or] button.
In the field to the right of the QuickSearch field, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate operator.
Note: e-automate displays only operators appropriate for the field selected.
In the value field, enter the value that allows you to identify the appropriate list.
Click [Go] to display the filtered list.
To further narrow the list, use the drop-down menu to select And or Or as appropriate, then repeat steps d through g to generate your desired list.
Note: You can add up to 12 rows of filter criteria.
Click [OK] to save your configured QuickSearch and return to the Send Documents from Customer Queue window.
To email for all branches, leave the Include all branches checkbox checked. If you only want this task to email for a specific branch, uncheck Include all branches and use the lookup to select the branch.
Note: To have different email tasks for each branch, create as many email tasks as necessary, varying each task by name.
Click the Email Settings tab to bring it forward.
In the Email from address field, enter the return email address for emails sent using this email task.
In the Send bcc to field, optionally enter one or more email addresses you want copied on the emails.
Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.
To make e-agent wait any period of time between sending emails, check the Wait the following number of second(s) before sending each email checkbox.
Note: This setting is designed for those who do not host their own email server and need to send the documents to a third-party email provider. Some providers have limits on how many email requests can be received per minute or hour, and how many emails can be sent per hour. For example, if you could only send 300 emails per hour to your ISP, you would create a delay of about 13 seconds so the system will only send about 275 per hour.
In the Notification E-mail field, enter an email address to which e-agent can send notification of the number of documents emailed.
Note: Separate multiple email addresses using your email separator. For example, Microsoft Outlook uses a semi-colon between email addresses.
Click [OK] to save the e-agent task.
Now that your task is created, you can do one of the following:
Manually run the e-agent task:
Select the task and click [Run]. This runs the task now.
Configure the task to run on a schedule:
Select the task and click [Schedule] to open the Schedule Auto Queue Customer Statements window.
In the Recurrence pattern region, select the time pattern for this recurring task, or select No recurrence.
If you selected a recurrence pattern, in the Start recurrence field, enter the date and time you want the task to begin recurrence.
In the End recurrence region, identify when you want the task to end. You can end after a specified number of occurrences, on a specified date, or specify no end.
Click [OK] to save the schedule.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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