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Creating Company Hours

Company hours are the hours between the opening and closing times on each day of the week during which your company provides service to your customers at a standard labor rate.

You exclude from these standard company hours the hours during which your company is closed for a holiday and/or is otherwise unavailable for business.  If your company provides service to your customers outside of these standard company hours, you charge an overtime labor rate. Additionally, because holiday hours are excluded from company hours, the system excludes holiday hours when calculating response times on service components. For these reasons, keeping your company holiday information up to date is critical for overtime labor and response time calculations.

Company hours are associated with Service Level Agreement (SLA) codes, and you use SLA codes to associate company hours with customers, equipment contracts, and contract equipment. For more information on SLA codes, see the Creating SLA Codes topic.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

From the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.

In the Select a list or code type field, use the drop-down menu to select Service Hours.

Basic InformationBasic Information

The Service hours list includes a system Service hour code named COMPANY.  Use this code to specify the normal business hours and holidays for your company.  If desired, you can create additional service hour codes.

Do one of the following:

To edit company hours, do the following:

Select the COMPANY service hour code in the display.

Click the [Edit] button to open the Edit Service Hour Code window.

To add a new service hours code, do the following:

Click the [New] button to open the New Service Hour Code window.

In the Code field, enter a name to identify this set of service hours.

In the Description field, enter a brief description to further identify this set of the service hours.

Verify the Daily Hours tab is forward.  If it is not, click the Daily Hours tab to bring it forward. This tab lists seven rows, one for each day of the week.  For each row, do the following:

If this set of service hours includes service on this day of the week (provided the day is not identified on the Holidays tab as a holiday), check the checkbox at the beginning of the row; if this set of service hours does not include service on this day of the week, uncheck the checkbox at the beginning of the row.

If you checked the checkbox at the beginning of the row, the system defaulted the Open at and Close at times for that row to the values listed in the Opening time and Closing time fields, respectively. If these times are correct for that day, no further change is necessary.  If you need to edit the opening and/or closing times for that day, do the following:

In the Opening time field, do the following:

To edit the hour, select the hour portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the hour to reflect the correct opening time for this day.

To edit the minute, select the minute portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the minute to reflect the correct opening time for this day.

To edit the AM/PM indicator, select the AM/PM indicator of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the AM/PM indicator to reflect the correct opening time for this day.

In the Closing time field, do the following:

To edit the hour, select the hour portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the hour to reflect the correct closing time for this day.

To edit the minute, select the minute portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the minute to reflect the correct closing time for this day.

To edit the AM/PM indicator, select the AM/PM indicator of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the AM/PM indicator to reflect the correct closing time for this day.

Click the [Update] button.

Adding HolidaysAdding Holidays

Click the Holidays tab to bring it forward.

In the Date field, enter the date or use the drop-down calendar to identify the date of the holiday.

In the Description field, enter a brief description to identify the holiday.

If you are open special hours on the holiday, do the following:

In the Opening time field, do the following:

To edit the hour, select the hour portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the hour to reflect the correct opening time for this holiday.

To edit the minute, select the minute portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the minute to reflect the correct opening time for this holiday.

To edit the AM/PM indicator, select the AM/PM indicator of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the AM/PM indicator to reflect the correct opening time for this holiday.

In the Closing time field, do the following:

To edit the hour, select the hour portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the hour to reflect the correct closing time for this holiday.

To edit the minute, select the minute portion of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the minute to reflect the correct closing time for this holiday.

To edit the AM/PM indicator, select the AM/PM indicator of the time displayed and then use the field's up and down arrows to change the AM/PM indicator to reflect the correct closing time for this holiday.

Click the [QuickAdd] button to add the holiday with the specified hours to the list of holidays.

If you are not open on the holiday, uncheck the checkbox at the beginning of the row. The system will clear the values from the Open at and Close at columns.

To remove a holiday, do the following:

Select the holiday from the list.

Click the [Remove] button.

To update a holiday, do the following:

Select the holiday from the list.

Modify the Date, Description, Opening Time, and/or Closing Time as appropriate.

Click the [Update] button.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Click [OK] to save the service hours code.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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