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Creating Service Level Agreement (SLA) Codes

Service Level Agreement (SLA) codes identify the response and resolution times that apply to a service agreement as well as the company service hours the system should use when calculating applicable response and resolution times.  You define SLA codes to identify different levels of service, and then you the codes with customers, equipment contracts, and contract equipment.  

SLA codes also work in conjunction with DeskTech, RemoteTech, and Remote Service Manager to measure and track the following times in e-automate:

Total response time (interval between the call received time and the technician arrival time)

Total work time (some of the times listed in all labor records associated with the call)

Total resolution time (interval between the call received time and the final technician departure/stop time).

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

On the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.

In the Select a list or code type field, use the drop-down menu to select SLA Codes.

Click [New] to open the New SLA Code window.

Basic InformationBasic Information

In the SLA Code field, enter a name to identify this service level agreement.

In the Description field, enter brief text to further identify this service level agreement.

In the Service Hour Code field, use the lookup to select the service hour code you want the system to use to define business hours and holidays in conjunction with this service level agreement.

In the Response Hours and Minutes fields, enter the maximum amount of time that may elapse from the time a service call is received until the time a technician arrives at the call in order for the call to meet this component of the service level agreement.
Note: For the system to calculate response time, the value entered in the combined Response Hours and Minutes fields must be greater than zero.
Note: If a service call is put on hold using an on hold code for which the Calculate response time using release date and time box is checked, then the response time calculation begins with the time the service call is released from hold instead of the time the service call is received. For information on beginning the response time calculation with the date and time requested by a customer when scheduling a service call, see the Scheduling Service Calls with Option To Reset Response Start Time topic.

In the Resolutions Hours and Minutes fields, enter the maximum amount of time that may elapse from the time a service call is received until the time the service call is complete in order for the call to meet this component of the service level agreement.
Note: If a service call is put on hold using an on hold code for which the Exclude from resolution time box is checked, then the resolution time calculation does not include the time during which the service call is on hold.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Click [OK] to save the SLA Code.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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