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Creating Equipment Sales Orders

A sales order is an order specifying the billing, shipping, item quantity, back-order, and pricing details of a customer's equipment order. Sales orders do not have any general ledger impact unless they are pre-billed. Adding items to a sales order allocates the inventory items on the sales order by specific warehouse but does not remove them from inventory. In e-automate, items are allocated on sales orders, service calls, and production work orders. Sales orders can also be used to populate purchase orders if there are items on the sales order that are back ordered, special ordered, or drop shipped.

You can use sales orders and sales order statuses as tools to track equipment orders through your ordering, picking, setup, delivery, and fulfillment process. By creating your own order statuses and types, you can control and monitor your sales orders.

The basic process for using an equipment sales order involves creating the sales order, picking the order using either the standard picking process or the quick pick process, setting up the equipment, delivering the equipment, and fulfilling (invoicing) the order, shipping the order to the customer, and finally invoicing the customer. The sales order allows you to create an order with multiple items, and pick and ship in varying quantities. The sales order remains open until the entire order is fulfilled (invoiced). It is then flagged as a fulfilled order.

You can combine some steps of the basic sales order process. For example, when you create a sales order, there is a checkbox on the order that allows you to ship the order upon creation of the sales order. This option opens the shipping window immediately when you click [OK] to save the new sales order. You can also combine the shipping and fulfilling processes. The shipment window has a checkbox that allows you to fulfill an order immediately following the creation of the shipment. These steps are designed to simplify or speed up your process as necessary.

If the bill-to customer is on credit hold when you enter a sales order, e-automate stamps the sales order as On-Hold and will not allow the order to be fulfilled until the order is released.

When you enter a sales order, e-automate pre-determines the warehouse from which the items added to the sales order will be drawn. The system identifies the default company or branch warehouse on the sales order. All items added subsequent to the warehouse identification are assumed to be drawn from the specified warehouse unless specifically changed on the item detail. As you add items to a sales order, e-automate can determine if you have sufficient on-hand quantities to provide for the quantity on the sales order. This option is called Auto Availability Checks and Backorder Calculation. When enabled, e-automate automatically back orders quantities for which you have insufficient stock. When disabled, the items are added to the sales order regardless of your on-hand quantities.

Once items are added to the order, you can modify their details by editing the settings associated with each item. There are two levels of settings associated with an item on a sales order. There is the item detail level, displayed in the Edit Sales Order Item window. In this window you can modify the quantity, price, discount, equipment contract, department, and tax as flag. The second level is associated with the warehouse from which the item is to be drawn, and is often called the bin level. At this level you can modify the warehouse and bin from which an item is to be drawn, back-ordered quantities, stocking code, and out cost. You access the item detail level by double-clicking on an item or selecting an item and clicking [Edit]. You access the bin level by right-clicking on an item and selecting Edit Bins.

You use the bin level to manually set back-ordered quantities or to manually override individual back-ordered quantities. You can also use the bin level to switch between items that come from your inventory stock or items you intend to be delivered to the customer via drop ship. Also at the bin level is the ability for a user to override the out cost associated with an item on a sales order. The out cost is the burdened cost automatically calculated by e-automate to assure the dealer a margin on each sale.

Sales orders can be used for both equipment and supply orders. You can use the order type to designate the kind of order you are creating. If you are creating an equipment order, you use the sales order to identify the host and accessories you are selling to the customer or financing through a leasing company. Sales orders can be keyed in to e-automate manually or you can push sales orders into e-automate from Digital Quote Manager. Digital Quote Manager is a sales tool that allows sale representatives the ability to create sales quotes for equipment that they want to sell to a customer. Your system administrator configures Digital Quote Manager to only allow viable equipment configurations to be created. Once the sales rep has sold the equipment to the customer, you can use Digital Quote Manager to push the quoted order into e-automate. E-automate maintains the host and accessory relationships identified in Digital Quote Manager. If you are not a user of Digital Quote Manager, you can create equipment orders and identify which line items are host equipment and which line items are accessories by designating the host to be a parent and the accessory to be a child. Even though you designate the relationship of host and accessories on the sales order, you still need to attach accessories using the equipment accessories functionality. For more information, see the Attaching Accessories to Host Equipment topic.

Sales order information is used to:

Create printed sales orders

Create standard picking and quick pick lists

Create shipments

Create sales invoices

Identify items which are currently in inventory as allocated and, therefore, unavailable to be sold through Service or Sales or used in manufacturing

Identify items that are not in inventory and therefore are back ordered

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

On the Sales menu, select Sales Orders to open the Sales Orders window.

Click [New] to open the New Sales Order window.

Basic InformationBasic Information

In the Customer field, use the lookup to select the customer to whom you are selling the items.
Note: When you select a customer, the system displays the customer's Phone number below the Customer field and populates other fields using information from the Customer record.

In the Description field, enter optional brief information regarding this sales order.

In the Order Type field, use the lookup to select an equipment order order type (e.g., EO - Equipment Order).

In the Sales rep field, use the lookup to select the person in your company making the sale.
Note: This system populates this field from the Customer record. You can override the name displayed on a per-order basis if necessary.

In the PO number field, enter the customer's PO number if applicable.
Note: This system populates this field from the Customer record. You can override the number displayed on a per-order basis if necessary.  Additionally, if the Require PO Number checkbox is checked in the Customer record, you are required to enter a PO number in this field for this customer.

In the Ordered by field, use the lookup to select the customer contact who is responsible for this order.

Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer and contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the sales order.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. For more information on associating a contact with a customer, see the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic.

In the Branch field, use the lookup to select the branch of your company with which to associate the revenue from the sales order.
Note: You can override the branch at the line-item level. For more information, see the "Items Tab" > "Adding or Editing an Item" section of this topic.
Note: The Branch field is only displayed when branching is enabled. For more information, see the Enabling Branching topic.

In the Number field, enter a number to identify this sales order or make no change to allow the system to sequentially assign the next available number to this sales order.

In the Date field, enter the create date of this sales order or make no change to use the system date displayed.

In the Due by field, enter the date the payment from the customer would be due if this order were fulfilled today or make no change to use the date displayed.

In the Req. date field, enter the date by which the customer requires the item(s) on the sales order.

In the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select the company warehouse from which e-automate should allocate the items added to this sales order unless otherwise specified or make no change to use the default warehouse displayed.
Note: The system displays the warehouse specified in the Default warehouse field for your company or branch in Tools > Options > Company.

In the Department field, use the lookup to select the department receiving credit for all items on this sales order. When left blank, the department is automatically assigned based on the sales code associated with the item.
Note: This field can be overridden when you are associating the items on the order with equipment and a contract. E-automate uses the Bill Code and associated billing account code to assign the department on sales transactions. For more information, see the Creating Billing Account Codes topic. This field is usually left blank unless you want to force the department on all line items.

In the Status field, use the lookup to identify the current status of this order or make no change to use the default selection of Open.
Note: You can create your own order types and assign them as necessary to meet your operational needs.

In the Quote field, use the lookup to select a sales quote or price sheet, if applicable, that the system should use to populate the fields of this sales order.
Note: You can make changes to the sales order without affecting the selected sales quote or price sheet.

As you add items to and/or remove items from the sales order, review the system-updated totals in the yellow Summary region in the top right corner of this window.
Note: To view a tax rate summary, click the Tax link in the Summary region.  The system displays a Tax Rate Summary window.  For each applicable tax, this window displays the Authority, Tax Flag, Rate, Charges, and Tax amount.  The Tax total appears below the table.

Items TabItems Tab

On the Items tab, you can add/edit/delete items using these options:

QuickAdd: Add an item to an order using the item's basic settings (e.g., settings like price, warehouse, bin, and tax code).

Add: Add an item to an order that allows you to modify the item's settings.

Edit: Edit an item added to the sales order in a manner that allows you to modify the item's settings.

Delete: Delete an item from a sales order.

When you use the [QuickAdd] or [Delete] button, all changes occur on the Items tab itself.  Use the information displayed in this section of this topic to complete these actions.

When you use the [Add] or [Edit] button, the system displays an additional window—the Add Sales Order Item or Edit Sales Order Item window, respectively.  Use the information displayed in the "Add or Edit Equipment Items" section of this topic to complete these actions.

During the process of adding an item, you have the option to allocate a serial number for a serialized item on the sales order. If you need to create a sales order containing numerous serialized items, you can also bulk assign serial numbers for the serialized items on the sales order.

Quick Adding an ItemQuick Adding an Item

To QuickAdd an equipment item, do the following:

Uncheck the Add equipment and contract checkbox, which is located near the bottom left corner of the tab. Typically, this box is not checked for equipment orders.

In the Item field, use the lookup to select an item to add to the sales order. Typically when creating equipment orders, you add the host item first and then accessories. Once all the accessories have been added for the first host, you add a second host and its accessories. Once all the items have been added, you can identify parent and child line items.
Note: Even though you can identify host and accessories on the sales order, you still need to attach them in e-automate using the equipment records. For more information, see the Attaching Accessories to Host Equipment topic. The relationships defined on a sales order support the attachment process but do not replace it.
Note: A filter can be applied to the Item field lookup, restricting it from showing all active items. If there is a filter, in the Item field, on the lookup icon, you will see a small checkmark under the magnifying glass. Typically you do not use filters on equipment orders. To remove the filter, click the action menu next to the lookup icon and select No filter.

In the Quantity field, type in the quantity requested of the selected item.

Click [QuickAdd].

Do one of the following based on your on-hand stocking levels:

With auto availability checks and back order calculations on sales orders enabled:

If you have the full quantity of the item in the default or assigned bin, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order.

If you have some of the quantity of the item in the default and other bins combined, OR you have some of the quantity of the item in only the default bin, e-automate displays the Sales Order Bin Quantity Proposal window. Do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

To modify the proposed bin distribution, do the following:

Select the row of the proposed warehouse and bin you want to modify.

In the Warehouse field, use the lookup icon to select an alternate warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the lookup icon to select a bin within the identified warehouse.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that you want drawn from the identified warehouse and bin.
Note: In the Inventory Locations region, you view the item distribution in your warehouses.

Click [Update] to update the bin distribution.
Note: You can use [Remove] and [QuickAdd] to completely remove distributions and add new distributions as long as the ordered quantity and the sum of the quantity in the bin distribution match. e-automate updates the backordered quantity as you add or remove.

To preview the proposed backorder calculation, check the Preview backorder detail upon clicking OK checkbox.

If you checked the Preview backorder detail upon clicking OK checkbox, e-automate displays the default warehouse and bin configured for the necessary backorder to complete the quantity ordered. Make changes as necessary.

If you want to modify the backorder warehouse, in the Warehouse field, use the Lookup to select a warehouse from which to backorder this item.
Note: You can use the Warehouse availability button to examine your quantity for the identified item.

In the Bin field, accept the proposed backorder bin or use the Lookup to select a different backorder bin.

In the Quantity field, accept the quantity originally ordered or modify the quantity.

In the Canceled field, enter a canceled quantity if any.

In the Back ordered field, enter the back order quantity.
Note: E-automate automatically calculates this value but you can override it to preserve some of your current stock for other customers.

If you want to change the stocking code for this bin distribution, in the Stocking code field, use the lookup icon and select an appropriate stocking code. If you modify it to Special Order or Drop Ship, e-automate updates the quantity field to reflect all line items on this bin distribution to follow the identified stocking code.

You use the Override field on the Out cost tab to identify a different out cost than was automatically calculated by e-automate. This is applicable to items that have inventory codes.

When you have backordered items you can link them to transfer or purchase orders to provide the item for the customer. For additional information on how to use the Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders tabs, see the Addl. Info – Resolving Backorder Status via a Transfer Order and Addl. Info – Resolving Backordered Quantities via a Purchase Order topics.

To add notes to this line item, click the Notes tab to bring it forward and enter notes. Notes are internal.

Click [OK] to save your settings and return to the sales order window.

If you have the full quantity of the item in multiple bins, do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

To modify the proposed bin distribution, do the following:

Select the row of the proposed warehouse and bin you want to modify.

In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup to select an alternate warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the Lookup to select a bin within the identified warehouse.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that you want drawn from the identified warehouse and bin.
Note: In the Inventory Locations region, you view the item distribution in your warehouses.

Click [Update] to update the bin distribution.
Note: You can use [Remove] and [QuickAdd] to completely remove distributions and add new distributions as long as the ordered quantity and the sum of the quantity in the bin distribution match.

If you do not have any of the item, do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

If you want to modify the warehouse and bin distribution back order settings, do the following:

If you want to modify the backorder warehouse, in the Warehouse field, use the Lookup to select a warehouse from which to backorder this item.
Note: You can use the Warehouse availability button to examine your quantity for the identified item.

In the Bin field, accept the proposed backorder bin or use the Lookup to select a different backorder bin.

In the Quantity field, accept the quantity originally ordered or modify the quantity.

In the Canceled field, enter a canceled quantity if any.

In the Back ordered field, enter the back order quantity.
Note: E-automate automatically calculates this value but you can override it to preserve some of your current stock for other customers.

If you want to change the stocking code for this bin distribution, in the Stocking code field, use the lookup and select an appropriate stocking code. If you modify it to Special Order or Drop Ship, e-automate updates the quantity field to reflect all line items on this bin distribution to follow the identified stocking code.

You use the Override field on the Out cost tab to identify a different out cost than was automatically calculated by e-automate. This is applicable to items that have inventory codes.

When you have backordered items you can link them to transfer or purchase orders to provide the item for the customer. For more information on how to use the Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders tabs, see the Addl. Info – Resolving Backorder Status via a Transfer Order and Addl. Info – Resolving Backordered Quantities via a Purchase Order topics.

To add notes to this line item, click the Notes tab to bring it forward and enter notes. Notes are internal.

Click [OK] to save your settings and return to the sales order window.

If the item is configured to automatically backorder due to drop ship configuration, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order with the appropriate backorder status for the line item.

If the Warehouse field contains a drop ship warehouse, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order with the appropriate backorder status for the line item.

With auto availability checks and back order calculations on sales orders disabled:

If you have the full quantity of the item in the default or assigned bin, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order.

If you have the full quantity of the item in multiple bins, do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

To modify the proposed bin distribution, do the following:

Select the row of the proposed warehouse and bin you want to modify.

In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup to select an alternate warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the Lookup to select a bin within the identified warehouse.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that you want drawn from the identified warehouse and bin.
Note: In the Inventory Locations region, you view the item distribution in your warehouses.

Click [Update] to update the bin distribution.
Note: You can use [Remove] and [QuickAdd] to completely remove distributions and add new distributions as long as the ordered quantity and the sum of the quantity in the bin distribution match.

If you do not have any of the item, do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

If you want to modify the warehouse and bin distribution back order settings, do the following:

If you want to modify the backorder warehouse, in the Warehouse field, use the Lookup to select a warehouse from which to backorder this item.
Note: You can use the Warehouse availability button to examine your quantity for the identified item.

In the Bin field, accept the proposed backorder bin or use the Lookup to select a different backorder bin.

In the Quantity field, accept the quantity originally ordered or modify the quantity.

In the Canceled field, enter a canceled quantity if any.

In the Back ordered field, enter the back order quantity.
Note: E-automate automatically calculates this value but you can override it to preserve some of your current stock for other customers.

If you want to change the stocking code for this bin distribution, in the Stocking code field, use the lookup and select an appropriate stocking code. If you modify it to Special Order or Drop Ship, e-automate updates the quantity field to reflect all line items on this bin distribution to follow the identified stocking code.

You use the Override field on the Out cost tab to identify a different out cost than was automatically calculated by e-automate. This is applicable to items that have inventory codes.

When you have backordered items you can link them to transfer or purchase orders to provide the item for the customer. For more information on how to use the Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders tabs, see the Addl. Info – Resolving Backorder Status via a Transfer Order and Addl. Info – Resolving Backordered Quantities via a Purchase Order topics.

To add notes to this line item, click the Notes tab to bring it forward and enter notes. Notes are internal.

Click [OK] to save your settings and return to the sales order window.

If the item is configured to automatically backorder due to drop ship configuration, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order with the appropriate backorder status for the line item.

If the Warehouse field contains a drop ship warehouse, e-automate adds the item at the specified quantity to the sales order with the appropriate backorder status for the line item.

Adding or Editing an ItemAdding or Editing an Item

When you use the [Add] or [Edit] button on the Items tab, the system displays an additional window—the Add Sales Order Item or Edit Sales Order Item window, respectively.  Use the information displayed in this section of this topic to complete these actions using this additional window.

To add or edit equipment items using the [Add] or [Edit] button on the Items tab, respectively, do the following:

To add, on the Items tab, click [Add] to open the Add Sales Order Item window. To edit, select the item on the order and click [Edit] to open the Edit Sales Order Item window.

In the Item field use the lookup to select the item.
Note: If you are editing a line item already added to the sales order, you cannot modify the Item field. If you have zero quantity of the item on hand in your identified warehouse, when you leave the Item field, e-automate automatically displays the Edit Sales Order Item Bin window. Continue to Step 3 for the appropriate stock level.

If you have any available quantities on hand, you can enter a quantity and e-automate evaluates your on-hand quantities. If you have zero on hand, e-automate automatically displays the Edit Sales Order Item Bin window. When possible, in the Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to add to the order and press the TAB key and do one of the following based on your on hand stocking levels:
With auto availability checks and back order calculations on sales orders enabled

If you have the full quantity of the item in the default or assigned bin, e-automate updates the quantity on the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab and continues to the Price field.

If you have a partial quantity of the item in the default and other bins combined OR you have some of the quantity of the item in only the default bin, e-automate displays the Sales Order Bin Quantity Proposal window. Do one or more of the following and click [OK]:

Review the proposal on the Warehouse/bin/quantity tab and if you accept the proposal on the, click [OK].

To modify the proposed bin distribution, do the following:

Select the row of the proposed warehouse and bin you want to modify.

In the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select an alternate warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the lookup to select a bin within the identified warehouse.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that you want drawn from the identified warehouse and bin.
Note: In the Inventory Locations region, you view the item distribution in your warehouses.

Click [Update] to update the bin distribution.
Note: You can use [Remove] and [QuickAdd] to completely remove distributions and add new distributions as long as the ordered quantity and the sum of the quantity in the bin distribution match. e-automate updates the backordered quantity as you add or remove.

To preview the proposed backorder calculation, check the Preview backorder detail upon clicking OK checkbox.

If you checked the Preview backorder detail upon clicking OK checkbox, e-automate displays the default warehouse and bin configured for the necessary backorder to complete the quantity ordered. Make changes as necessary after you click [OK].

If you want to modify the backorder warehouse, in the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select a warehouse from which to backorder this item.
Note: You can use the [Warehouse availability] button to examine your quantity for the identified item.

In the Bin field, accept the proposed backorder bin or use the Lookup to select a different backorder bin.

In the Quantity field, accept the quantity originally ordered or modify the quantity.

In the Canceled field, enter a canceled quantity if any.

In the Back ordered field, enter the back order quantity.
Note: e-automate automatically calculates this value but you can override it to preserve some of your current stock for other customers.

If you want to change the stocking code for this bin distribution, in the Stocking code field, use the lookup icon and select an appropriate stocking code. If you modify it to Special Order or Drop Ship, e-automate updates the quantity field to reflect all line items on this bin distribution to follow the identified stocking code.

You use the Override field on the Out cost tab to identify a different out cost than was automatically calculated by e-automate. This is applicable to items that have inventory codes.

When you have backordered items you can link them to transfer or purchase orders to provide the item for the customer. For more information on how to use the Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders tabs, see the Addl. Info – Resolving Backorder Status via a Transfer Order and Addl. Info – Resolving Backordered Quantities via a Purchase Order topics.

To add notes to this line item, click the Notes tab to bring it forward and enter notes. Notes are internal.

Click [OK] to save your settings and return to the sales order window.
Note: E-automate populates the Add Sales Order Item window with the settings defined.

If you have the full quantity of the item in multiple bins, do one or more of the following:

Review the proposal and if you accept the proposal, click [OK].

To modify the proposed bin distribution, do the following:

Select the row of the proposed warehouse and bin you want to modify.

In the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select an alternate warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the lookup to select a bin within the identified warehouse.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity that you want drawn from the identified warehouse and bin.
Note: In the Inventory Locations region, you view the item distribution in your warehouses.

Click [Update] to update the bin distribution.
Note: You can use [Remove] and [QuickAdd] to completely remove distributions and add new distributions as long as the ordered quantity and the sum of the quantity in the bin distribution match.

If you do not have any of the item, e-automate displays the Edit Sales Order Item Bin window. Use this window to set your quantity, manage your back order quantities and stocking code for the line on the sale order. Do one or more of the following:

To modify the distribution settings for this item in the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select a warehouse from which to backorder this item.
Note: You can use the [Warehouse availability] button to examine your quantity for the identified item.

In the Bin field, accept the proposed backorder bin or use the lookup to select a different backorder bin.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity you want to add to the order.
Note: E-automate updates the Backordered field to match the Quantity field. This is only applicable when there is none of the selected item on hand in the identified warehouse.

In the Canceled field, enter a canceled quantity if any.

In the Back ordered field, accept the backordered quantity.
Note: If you modify the backordered quantity when you have zero on hand, you must allow negative inventory to fulfill beyond zero. Best practice recommends you leave the backordered quantity entered.

If you want to change the stocking code for this bin distribution, in the Stocking code field, use the lookup and select an appropriate stocking code. If you modify it to Special Order or Drop Ship, e-automate updates the quantity field to reflect all line items on this bin distribution to follow the identified stocking code.

You use the Override field on the Out cost tab to identify a different out cost than was automatically calculated by e-automate. This is applicable to items that have inventory codes.

When you have backordered items, you can link them to transfer or purchase orders to provide the item for the customer. For more information on how to use the Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders tabs, see the Addl. Info – Resolving Backorder Status via a Transfer Order and Addl. Info – Resolving Backordered Quantities via a Purchase Order topics.

To add notes to this line item, click the Notes tab to bring it forward and enter notes. Notes are internal.

Click [OK] to save your settings, add the item and return to the Add Sales Order Item window.

If the item is configured to automatically backorder due to drop ship configuration, e-automate updates the Quantity field for the drop ship configured distribution.

If the Warehouse field contains a drop ship warehouse, e-automate updates the Quantity field for the warehouse drop ship configuration line.

View, complete or modify the following fields as appropriate:

Price: Amount you charge for the item based on the unit of measure quantity. Adjacent to the Price field is the Price button. You can hover over the Price button with your mouse to view a popup displaying information about how the price was set for this item. You can also use the drop-down menu on the Price button to view the Item Prices window, edit or view the inventory item profile, or view or edit the customer record.

Item discount: Percentage of price discount.

Amount: Total amount of the items, discounts, and other charges.

Quantity to bill now: Quantity of this item on this sales order to be billed now rather than when the order is fulfilled. When items are billed on the sales order, e-automate assigns a Prebilled status.
Note: Entering a value in this field is the only impact of a sales order on the general ledger outside of fulfillment. If you bill items on a sales order before fulfillment, e-automate creates the invoice portion of the general journal entry, accounts receivable, and either deferred sales or sales revenue depending on how your system’s sales codes are configured. If your sales code has an unearned revenue account, e-automate hits the unearned; if not, e-automate hits the revenue account identified on the sales code or this item. If the item is serialized, e-automate only allows a quantity of 1 to be pre billed per line item on the sales order. If you would like to pre-bill multiple serialized items you will need a single line per serialized item.

Canceled: Quantity of this item on this sales order which you want to cancel.
Note: To cancel an item on the sales order, you must enter the canceled quantity at the edit item level and the bin level.

Back ordered: Quantity of this item on back order.
Note: Backordered quantities can only be viewed here. You modify backordered quantities at the bin level. Double-click on the row displayed on the Warehouse/bin/quantity tab.

Description: Description of the item being added to the sales order.
Note: Modifications to the description are only applicable to this sales order/invoice.

Unit of measure: Classification of the possible quantities that can be ordered such as Each, Box, or Case.

Equipment number: If this is a supply order, verify or modify the equipment to which this item's cost is to be associated.

Contract number:Typically not applicable to equipment orders. This is the number of the current service contract to which the cost of this item should be associated.

Shipping Contact: Contact associated with the item to be shipped.
Note: The system populates this field with the shipping contact, if any, identified on the equipment record.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:

To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.

To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.

To view contacts for this customer and contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer or unassociated contacts.

To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window.  For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the sales order.  You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu icon to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. For more information on associating a contact with a customer, see the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic.

Branch: The branch of your company with which to associate the revenue from this line item.
Note: This field is only available if you have branching enabled. For more information, see the Enabling Branching topic. If you enter a value in this field, this value overrides for this line of the sales order the branch specified in the Branch field on the main Sales Order window.

Department: Department responsible for the sale.
Note: Department is driven by the sales code or can be overridden by the Bill Code’s Billing Account Code configuration, if any.

Tax as: Tax category in which the items you are adding belong. Set on the inventory item after a sales code is assigned.

Parent line item: If the item you are adding or editing on the sales order is an accessory to another item, click the drop down menu and select the host. The host must already have been added to the order.

Rollup Price: When checked, e-automate adds the price of this item to the price or the parent line item or host. You use this to keep your prices separate but roll the accessories price into the price of the host, preventing you have having to disclose the price for each accessory.

Hide on sales order/invoice: When checked, this item does not print on the sales order/invoice. Its price it and tax contribution, if any are rolled into the parent.

Hide on packing list: When checked, this item does not print on the packing list.

Hide on picking list: When checked, this item does not print on the picking list.

To view item availability information for the item you are editing, click the View item availability button in the Availability region.

To override the out cost on this line item, do the following:

Check the Override checkbox.

Specify an out cost.
Note: You can only override the out cost on inventory items that do not have inventory codes.

To view more information, do the following:

Click the More info icon.

In the Available lists field, use the drop-down menu to select the list for which you want to see more information.

Use the QuickSearch to narrow your search. For more information on using the QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.

Click [Export] to export the data from the list.
Note: You must have appropriate rights to export to Microsoft Excel.

Click [Close] to return to the Add Sales Order Item window.

To allocate a serial number to this line item, do one of the following:

To allocate a serial number to a specific row using the Serial number field on the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab, do the following:

On the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab, select the row to which you want to allocate a serial number.

In the Serial number field, use the lookup to select an in stock serial number.

Click [Update] to allocate the selected serial number to this sales order line item.

To allocate a serial number to a specific row using the Inventory Quick Select feature on the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab, do the following:

On the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab, click the Show Inventory Quick Select icon to the right of the table on this tab.

Double-click the appropriate serial number from the list. The system adds the serial number to the row in the display on the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab.

Click the Hide Inventory Quick Select icon to the right of the table on the Warehouse / bin / quantity tab.

To allocate serial numbers in bulk, see the "Bulk Assigning Serial Numbers" section of this topic.

To edit the warehouse and bin from which inventory items will be fulfilled, do the following:

Select a row on the Warehouse / Bin /Quantity tab which you want to modify and click [Edit] to open the Edit Sales Order Item Bin window.

In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup icon to select the fulfillment warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the lookup to select the bin.

If you want to allocate a specific serial number or change the allocation, to this line item, in the Serial number field, use the lookup to select a serial number for this line item.
Note: This action allocates the serial number to this line item on the sales order and can also change the status of the equipment to Allocated if equipment history tracking is enabled.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity to be fulfilled from the selected warehouse and bin.
Note: When working with serialized items, this field cannot be modified.

If you are canceling some or all of this item, enter the canceled value in the Canceled field. Enter the same value in the Canceled field at the bin level and the detail level.
Note: You can only cancel after sales orders have been saved.

In the Backordered field, enter the quantity of this item you want back ordered.
Note: Traditionally items are backordered when you do not have sufficient quantity to meet the customer’s needs.

To fulfill this item from your system-defined Drop-ship, Special Order or Stock bin, use the lookup icon in the Stocking Code field to change as appropriate.
Note: When you change the stocking code, e-automate updates the fulfillment bin for the specified warehouse.

Click the Warehouse Availability button to view Inventory Item location information.

Click [OK] to save the changed warehouse and bin settings.

To add another warehouse and bin, allowing you to fulfill from more than one warehouse and bin at the same time, do the following:

In the New or Edit Sales Order Item window, in the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select an additional warehouse.
Note: This can be the same warehouse if you want to fulfill from two or more different bins in the same warehouse.

In the Bin field, use the lookup to select the fulfillment bin.

In the Quantity field, enter the quantity to be fulfilled from the specified warehouse and bin.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the warehouse and bin settings.

Repeat the above steps, adding warehouses and bins until you have designated a fulfillment location for the quantity on the sales order.
Note: If you have not correctly defined the fulfillment locations for the quantity of items to be fulfilled, e-automate will display the warning, "The bin distribution does not match the quantity ordered." If this occurs, verify the quantities for the fulfillment warehouses and bins and use [Update] to correct as necessary.

Click [OK] to save the item to the sales order or the edited information.

Deleting an ItemDeleting an Item

To delete an item on the sales order, do the following:

Select the item to delete.

Click [Delete].

The system displays the message, "Do you want to delete the selected item?" Click [Yes] to remove the line item from the sales order, or click [No] to leave the line item on the sales order.

Bulk Assigning Serial NumbersBulk Assigning Serial Numbers

To bulk assign serial numbers, do the following:

Click the [Bulk assign serial numbers] button to open the Bulk Assign Serial Numbers window.
Note: This window lists two tables with the following characteristics:

Table on the Left: For each distinct item number of a serialized item on the sales order for which at least a quantity of one exists in inventory that can be allocated to the sales order and/or for which at least a quantity of one has already been allocated to the sales order, the table on the left lists one row containing the Item, Quantity [of serial numbers] needed*, and Quantity [of serial numbers] allocated.
* Quantity needed = Original Quantity - Backordered Quantity - Canceled Quantity

Table on the Right: For the row selected in the table on the left, the table on the right lists one row per applicable serialized item with a checkbox for selecting the serialized item along with the Item, Serial number, Equipment, Warehouse, Bin, Status, Condition (applies only when an equipment record is attached to the serial number), sales order Line, and Date received of the serialized item.

Locked Serial Numbers: If a row in the table on the right has a gray background, the gray background indicates the serial number is locked and the allocation cannot be changed using this window. The system considers a serial number locked if:

the serial number on this sales order has already been processed (i.e., shipped and/or fulfilled)

the serial number is linked via a purchase order to a different sales order, allocating the serial number to that sales order

the serial number is linked to a transfer order, allocating the serial number to that transfer order

a parent/child (host/accessory) relationship exists between the serial number and another serial number on the sales order.

Blank Tables: If both tables on this window are blank, the sales order does not contain any serialized items. The table on the right may be blank if no quantities of the serialized items on the sales order are available in inventory to allocate to the sales order.

To assign the serial numbers, do any of the following:
Note: If the number of serial numbers needed has not yet met the number of serial numbers allocated, serial number allocation occurs at the moment a serial number's checkbox is checked. If a serial number's check box is unchecked, the serial number is no longer allocated to the sales order. Clicking the Bulk Assign Serial Numbers window's [OK] button or close button (the "X" on the window's title bar) only closes the window and does not change the checkbox (serial number allocation) selections made while the window was open. If you subsequently cancel a sales order containing serialized items to which you have bulk assigned serial numbers, the system cancels any remaining serial number allocations associated with the sales order.

To assign each serial number manually, do the following:

Using the table on the left, select the item (row) for which you want to assign serial numbers.

In the table on the right, check the checkbox for each serial number you want to assign to the sales order.
Note: If you check a checkbox for an item that has a Status with a Base type of In Stock (In house), the system appends the Status column's value with Allocated ((Next)) and populates the Line column with the line number of the sales order to which the serial number is being allocated. If the item has a Status with any other Base type, the system will prompt you to verify you want to assign the serial number to the sales order. If you confirm the selection, the system will allocate the serial number to the sales order.

To bulk assign serial numbers on a per-item basis, do the following:

Using the table on the left, select the item (row) for which you want to bulk assign serial numbers.

When you use this option, the system will assign the serial numbers, beginning with the first unassigned serial number listed in the table on the right that has a Status with a Base type of In Stock (In house) and working down the list, until all the necessary serial numbers have been assigned or no serial numbers remain to assign. To sequence the serial numbers in the list on the right before the system assigns the serial numbers, click a column header in the list on the right (e.g., Date received).  The first click on an unsorted column sorts the values in ascending order. The second click on a sorted column sorts the values in descending order. Each additional click toggles the sort on that column.

Click the [Select all] button to have the system assign the serial numbers, beginning with the first unassigned serial number listed in the table on the right that has a Status with a Base type of In Stock (In house) and working down the list, until all the necessary serial numbers have been assigned or no serial numbers remain to assign. When you click this button, the system appends the Status column's value with Allocated ((Next)) and populates the Line column with the line number of the sales order to which each serial number is being allocated.

To remove a serial number assignment that is not locked, do any of the following:

To unassign an unlocked serial number on a per serial number basis, do the following:

Using the table on the left, select the item (row) for which you want to unassign a serial number.

In the table on the right, uncheck the checkbox for the serial number you do not want to assign to the sales order. When you uncheck a checkbox, the system removes Allocated ((Next)) from the Status column's value and clears the sales order line number from the Line column.

To bulk unassign unlocked serial numbers on a per item number basis, do the following:

Using the table on the left, select the item (row) for which you want to bulk unassign serial numbers.

Click the [Unselect all unlocked] button to have the system unassign the serial numbers. When you click this button, the system removes Allocated ((Next)) from the Status column's value and clears the sales order line number from the Line column.
Note: The system does not bulk unassign any serial numbers for which you clicked [Yes] to the prompt, "The equipment status suggests that this serial number may not be available. Are you sure you want to allocate this serial number?" If you want to unassign any of these serial numbers, you must do so on a per serial number basis.

Click [OK] to close the Bulk Assign Serial Numbers window.
Note: If you need to assign serial numbers to a sales order in stages, you can partially allocate serial numbers when adding the equipment sales order and then edit the sales order at a later time to finish allocating the serial numbers to the sales order.

Billing/Shipping TabBilling/Shipping Tab

Click the Billing/Shipping tab to bring it forward with the customer's address in the Bill to address field.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Bill to: Customer that is billed.

Terms: Customer's payment and discount terms. Not applicable on a credit.

Terms discount: Percentage discount available if payment is made by discount date. Not applicable on a credit.

Discount date: Date by which payment is due in order to get the discount, if applicable. Not applicable on a credit.

If the charge method is On Account, skip to Step 4. If you want to change the charge method to Credit Card/ACH on this transaction, do the following:

In the Charge method field, use the lookup icon to select Credit Card/ACH.

Check the Auth on OK checkbox to pre-authorize the amount to be charged to the credit card or ACH account.
Note: It is recommended to always check the Auth on OK checkbox for every transaction. Doing so allows e-automate to populate the charge account information when you process the payment. If you do not check Auth on OK, you will not be prompted for the charge account information until you process the transaction.

To process this order using a one-time payment, select Single use account.
Note: If your system is using the NET1 Payment Solutions credit card vault, a warning icon displays to the right of the Single use account field. The warning indicates, "Single use account transactions do not qualify for Level 3 processing." To maintain PCI compliance, it is not possible to process the detail necessary to qualify for the Level 3 discount using a business or government purchase card that is not stored in the NET1 Payment Solutions credit card vault. For more information regarding Level 3 processing, see the Configuring Credit Card Processing Settings topic.
Note: If you checked the Auth on OK checkbox in Step 3.b., the system will display the Single Use Charge Account window when all the information on each tab is complete and you click [OK] on the New Sales Order window.  You will enter the credit card or ACH account information at that time. If you did not checked the Auth on OK checkbox in Step 3.b., the system will not prompt for the credit card or ACH account information until the order is fulfilled.

To select an existing account or enter a new account, click the Use existing account radio button to make the Charge account field available.

To select a saved charge account, use the lookup in the Charge account field to select an account on file, or click the drop-down arrow icon and select New to open the Add Charge Account window.

To enter a new account, do the following:

Click the drop-down menu and select New to open the Add Charge Account window.

In the Name on account field, enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card.

In the Address, field, enter the billing address for the credit card.

In the City field, enter the billing city for the credit card.

In the State field, enter the billing state or province for the credit card.

In the Zip field, enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card.

In the Phone field, enter the phone number for the credit card.

In the Remarks field, enter any notes for this credit card.

To add a charge account, do ONE of the following:

To add a new credit card account, do the following:

Select the Credit Card button.

Click [Add account to vault] to open the NET1 Payment Solutions window.
Note: While in the NET1 Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1 Payment Solutions payment questions.

In the Card Number field, enter the new credit card number to be charged.

In the Expiration field, enter the new expiration date of the credit card to be charged.

Click [Submit] to save the new account, or [Cancel Transaction] to close and not save the new credit card information.

To add a new ACH account, do the following:

Select the ACH button.

Click [Add account to vault] to open the Add Account window.

In the Account Number field, enter the bank’s account number to add to this invoice.

In the Routing Number field, enter bank’s routing number to add to this invoice.

Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings.

Click [OK] on the Add Account window to return to the Add Charge Account window.

Click [OK] on the Add Charge Account window to save the new account information.

To identify the ship to address, complete the following fields as appropriate:

Ship to: Customer from whom the item will be received.

Same as bill to: When checked, the Ship to field is the same as the Bill to field.

Show all customers: When checked, you can select a ship-to address from all customers, rather than just those associated with this customer.

To identify tax information, complete the following fields as appropriate.

Tax code: Tax code under which the credit will be taxed.

QuickTax: Use the drop-down menu to select the tax code assigned to the customer, bill-to customer, or ship-to customer.

Taxable: When checked, e-automate calculates appropriate tax for the credit memo. When unchecked, the Exempt code field becomes active.

Exempt code: Use the Lookup to select the appropriate exempt code, if applicable.

Order discount: Percentage discount applied to the entire invoice amount, if applicable.

In the Order discount field, enter the percentage discount you want applied to the entire invoice amount, if applicable.

To identify shipping information, complete the following fields as appropriate:

Ship method: Method used to ship the customer the items on the order.

Freight: Dollar amount to charge for shipping. This can be entered now or later when shipping or fulfilling.

Miscellaneous TabMiscellaneous Tab

Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Accounts receivable: Account to which the amount of the sale will be applied.
Note: This field should only be changed in rare circumstances requiring a correction.

Freight charge: Account with which the freight charges will be associated.

Freight department: Department with which freight charges will be associated.

Order discount: Account to which the order discount will be applied.

Discount department: Department to which discounts are to be associated.

Approver: Person in your company, if any, who is responsible for approving the sale to this customer.

Job: Number of the job to which this sales order is assigned, if any.

On hold code: Reason the sales order is on hold, if any.

User field 1 or 2: If you labeled the user-defined fields in Options, they are displayed here. Populate as necessary.

To select a category to customize the sales order, do the following:
Note: You can create categories to meet your company's specific needs. For example, some companies use categories to specify the source of the sale, such as the Yellow Pages or a referral.

In the Categories field, use the lookup to select the category.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the category to the list.

To add another sales rep besides the one listed in the customer profile, do the following:

In the Alternate Sales Rep field, use the lookup to select the alternate sales rep.

Click [QuickAdd] to add the alternate sales rep to the list.

Out Cost TabOut Cost Tab

Click the Out Cost tab to bring it forward.

Review the out cost for this order. The out cost displays the sales rep’s calculated margin.

In the Notes field, enter notes as necessary.

Messages TabMessages Tab

Click the Message tab to bring it forward.

On the Message tab, enter internal messages you want displayed to personnel when the order is shipped and fulfilled.
Note: Each shipment associated with this order as well as each fulfillment associated with this sales order is notified of this message. Messages can pop up on the screen if the administrator enables message popup under Sales Administrative Options.

Remarks TabRemarks Tab

To include remarks that will print in the Remarks section on the sales order, do the following:

Click the Remarks tab to bring it forward.

Enter the remarks.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

To print the sales order when you click [OK], check the Print sales order checkbox.

To print the quick pick list, check the Print quick pick list checkbox.

To create a work order, check the Create work order checkbox.
Note: This button is only available if the sales order contains items that need to be assembled.  

To print the packing list, check the Print packing list checkbox.

To ship this order after you click [OK], check the Ship order checkbox.

Click [OK] to save the sales order.

If you checked Auth on OK and Use existing account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Pre-authorize Charge window displays. If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, skip to Step 8. Verify the amount to be charged and click [OK]. The NET1 Payment Solutions window displays.
Note: While in the NET1 Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1 Payment Solutions payment questions.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged.

Expiration: Use the drop-down menu icon to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged.

CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card.

Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or Cancel to close the window and not charge the credit card.
Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next].

Use the drop-down to choose the State and Country associated with this credit card.

Click [Submit]. You will see a summary of the transaction.

Click [Close] to return to e-automate.

Click [Yes] when asked to save transaction.

If you checked Auth on OK and Single use account on the Billing/Shipping tab, the Single Use Charge Account window displays.
Note: If your system is using the NET1 Payment Solutions credit card vault, a warning icon displays to the right of the Single use account field. The warning indicates, "Single use account transactions do not qualify for Level 3 processing." To maintain PCI compliance, it is not possible to process the detail necessary to qualify for the Level 3 discount using a business or government purchase card that is not stored in the NET1 Payment Solutions credit card vault. For more information regarding Level 3 processing, see the Configuring Credit Card Processing Settings topic.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Name on account: Enter the name of the person imprinted on the credit card.

Address: Enter the billing address for the credit card.

City: Enter the billing city for the credit card.

State: Enter the billing state or province for the credit card.

Zip: Enter the billing zip or postal code for the credit card.

Phone: Enter the phone number for the credit card.

Pre-authorization amount: Confirm the amount to be credited. Edit if needed.

To authorize a charge, do ONE of the following:

To authorize a credit card charge, do the following:

Select the Credit Card button.

Click [Authorize] to open the NET1 Payment Solutions window.
Note: While in the NET1 Payment Solutions window, you can click the [Click For Support] button at any time for help with NET1 Payment Solutions payment questions.

Card Number: Enter the new credit card number to be charged.

Expiration: Use the drop-down menu to select the expiration date of the credit card to be charged.

CVV: Enter the three digit security code found on the back of the credit card.

Click [Swipe Card] to charge the card, or [Cancel] to close the window and not charge the credit card.
Note: While the Swipe Card process is taking place, do not press any keys on your keyboard.

Once the Swipe Card process has completed, click [Next] to view the billing information.

Click [Submit]. The system displays the transaction detail.

Click the [Close] button in the bottom right corner of the window to return to e-automate.

To authorize an ACH charge, do the following:

Select the ACH button.

Click [Authorize] to open the Add Account window.

Account number: The bank’s account number to add to this invoice.

Routing number: The bank’s routing number to add to this invoice

Checking/Savings: Select which account type, either checking or savings.

Click [OK] to save the ACH account information.

Click [OK] to save the transaction.

If you checked the Print sales order box, the system displays a print window.  Do the following:

In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer or make no change to use the option displayed.

In the Copies field, enter the number of copies to print or make no change to use the number displayed.

To preview the document before printing it, click the Print Preview icon.

To print the specified number of copies on the selected printer, click [Yes]; to close this window without printing any copies, click [No].

If you checked the Print quick pick list box, the system displays a print window.  Do the following:

In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer or make no change to use the option displayed.

In the Copies field, enter the number of copies to print or make no change to use the number displayed.

To show canceled items on the picking list, check the Show canceled items box..

To show back ordered items on the picking list, check the Show back ordered items box.

To show previously shipped items on the picking list, check the Show previously shipped items box.

To preview the document before printing it, click the Print Preview icon.

To print the specified number of copies on the selected printer, click [Yes]; to close this window without printing any copies, click [No].

If you checked the Print packing list box, the system displays a print window.  Do the following:

In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer or make no change to use the option displayed.

In the Copies field, enter the number of copies to print or make no change to use the number displayed.

To show canceled items on the packing list, check the Show canceled items box.

To show back ordered items on the packing list, check the Show back ordered items box.

To show previously shipped items on the packing list, check the Show previously shipped items box.

To preview the document before printing it, click the Print Preview icon.

To print the specified number of copies on the selected printer, click [Yes]; to close this window without printing any copies, click [No].

If you checked the Ship order box, e-automate displays the New Shipment window. For more information on shipping, see the Managing Shipments topic.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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