Managing Shipments
A shipment records the departure of inventory items from one of your warehouses as a result of sales activity. While a shipment is typically a departure of items from inventory, it can also be a return of items that were previously shipped and returned from a customer, or an arrival of items returning as a result of an RMA order. The different types of shipments are numbered as follows:
SH1000000: Standard shipment, Shipments of outbound inventory. Generated when a shipment is recorded on a sales orders as well as when a shipment is recorded on an RMA order.
Note: Shipments are created in e-automate for all sales orders whether you choose to explicitly create a shipment or not. If you do not create a shipment, when you fulfill (invoice) a sales order, e-automate creates the shipment for you.
SHR1000000: Shipment reversal. Shipments that are reversed or voided use this numbering scheme.
SR100000: Shipment return. When using RMA orders, e-automate records the arrival of return shipments using this numbering.
SRV100000: Shipment arrival reversal. This numbering scheme is used by e-automate to record the reversal of shipment returns recorded through an RMA order.
When you record a shipment, e-automate transfers the inventory items from the various bins in which they are currently located and moves the items to a special bin identified on the warehouse profile, called the Shipped bin. In addition to creating the transfer to the Shipped bin, e-automate also assigns a Shipped status to the line items that have been shipped. Because the items you shipped have not yet been fulfilled (invoiced), they are technically still in your inventory. The items are flagged as Shipped but they are still valued in your inventory until they are fulfilled (invoiced).
You use the shipment to create and print picking and packing lists. Doing so allows you to ship and pack your orders before you invoice the customer. Once a customer has received the inventory you can then invoice the shipment. You can also use the shipment as a location to record tracking information about the packages associated with a shipment. When you create a shipment, it can be composed of one or more packages, each with its own tracking number. When the tracking numbers for a shipment are recorded and your shipping methods are properly associated with a shipping company, you can easily get tracking information. When you double-click on a tracking number, e-automate passes the number to the website of the shipping company to display information about the package tracking number on which you double-clicked. If your shipping company is not represented and they offer web tracking, contact Best practice customer care at to submit a request for your shipping company to be added to the e-automate software.
In addition to recording the tracking information associated with a shipment, you can also record the price and the cost of the shipment. The price that the customer is charged is posted to the customer’s account and to the general ledger, to the freight revenue account identified in your Administrative Options. The cost is recorded in the database for reporting purposes. When you pay for freight it is usually entered as a bulk amount in the Accounts Payable module.
As you record shipments, shipment reversals, and shipment returns e-automate maintains a list of all shipments, regardless of the type, that have been recorded in e-automate. You can use the shipment list to reverse shipments as well as to void shipments.
Creating a ShipmentCreating a Shipment
From the Sales menu, select Sales Orders to open the Sales Orders list window.
On the [Searches] button, use the drop-down menu to select a sales order with either Open, Open +, Picked, or Picked + status.
Select the sales order from the list and click [Ship] to open the New Shipment window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Order number: The number of the unshipped sales order selected when you clicked [Ship]. You can change the order as necessary.
Customer: The customer associated with the sales order in the Order number field.
Description: Optional brief description of the shipment.
Ship method: The method of shipment specified on the sales order. Change as necessary.
Note: To link to the web and view tracking information, the Ship method field must be linked to a shipping company.
Picking list: Picking list associated with this shipment, if any.
Note: A picking list is only available if you have previously created a picking list.
Freight: The price you are charging the customer for this shipment. This amount is posted to the general ledger to your freight revenue account.
Freight cost: The amount this shipment will cost you, the dealer, to ship. This field is optional and need only be entered if you intend to report on the margin achieved on each shipment.
Weight: The weight of the shipment.
Type: The type of shipment you are creating. The shipment type is pre-populated by e-automate for you. You can change it as necessary. If you change the shipment type, e-automate looks for items on the sales order that fit within the selected type.
Number: The number e-automate assigns to this shipment. When (Next) is displayed, e-automate assigns the next sequential number. You can modify these numbers as appropriate.
Shipped date: The date you shipped the inventory items.
Estimated Delivery Date: The date you estimate the item(s) will be delivered.
Delivery Date: Field in which you can record the actual delivery date.
Verify the information for each item you are shipping.
To make adjustments to an item you are shipping, do the following:
Double-click on the item to open the Edit Shipment Item window.
To change the shipping quantity of this item, enter the quantity you are shipping in the Ship now field.
Note: Use the Inventory Locations region on the right to locate inventory for shipping information.
To ship the inventory from a warehouse and/or bin other than that listed, do the following:
In the Warehouse / bin / quantity region, select the warehouse from which the item is currently shipping. e-automate populates the Warehouse, Bin, and Quantity fields.
In the Warehouse field, use the lookup icon to select the warehouse from which you want the item to ship.
In the Bin field, use the lookup icon to select the bin from which you want the item to ship.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of items you want shipped from the warehouse/bin combination defined.
Click [Update] to update the Warehouse / bin / quantity region.
Click [OK] to save your shipment changes.
To modify additional items on the shipment, repeat Step 6 until you have modified all items necessary on the shipment.
To indicate that an item will not be shipped, do the following:
Select the item from the list.
Click [Remove] to remove the item from the shipment.
Note: Removing an item from the shipment does not remove it from the sales order.
Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward.
In the Shipment and delivery remarks field, enter any remarks you want printed on packing list.
To record tracking information for a package, do the following:
In the Tracking number field, enter the tracking number.
In the Weight field, enter the package weight.
If you are shipping immediately, you do not likely know the Delivery Date. Leave the Delivery Date field blank.
Click [Add] to add the package tracking information to the Packages region.
Repeat Steps a through d to add any tracking numbers for additional packages that are part of this shipment.
You can click [Remove] as necessary to remove tracking information.
You can click [Status] to pass the tracking number to the internet site for the selected shipping company.
To print the packing list, check the Print packing list checkbox.
To print the picking list, check the Print picking list checkbox.
To immediately go to the Fulfill Order (Invoice) window, check the Fulfill order checkbox.
The customer’s invoice delivery method is displayed by e-automate as an icon in the lower left-hand corner. Hovering your mouse over the icon will display the customer’s selected method and the associated accounts receivable contact. Your system administrator determines which invoices/memos can be queued for printing, fax or email. Only invoices allowed to be queued can be changed. To change the delivery method for this invoice, click the icon and do ONE of the following:
To cancel sending the invoice, check Do not send invoice and click [Hide] to close the window.
To identify a different contact to receive the invoice, in the Contact field, use the lookup icon to select a different contact. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:
To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.
To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.
To view contacts for this customer, this customer's parent customer (if any), and/or contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer, parent, or unassociated contacts.
To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window. For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
To change the delivery method, select Print, Email, or Fax. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].
Note: When Email or Fax is selected, you can modify the email address or the fax number, respectively.
If printing the invoice, enter the number of copies you want printed in the Print XX additional copies of this invoice field. If you are not making other changes, click [Hide].
Click [OK] to create and record the shipment.
If you checked the Print packing list box, the system displays a print window. Do the following:
In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer or make no change to use the option displayed.
In the Copies field, enter the number of copies to print or make no change to use the number displayed.
To show canceled items on the packing list, check the Show canceled items box.
To show back ordered items on the packing list, check the Show back ordered items box.
To show previously shipped items on the packing list, check the Show previously shipped items box.
To preview the document before printing it, click the Print Preview icon.
To print the specified number of copies on the selected printer, click [Yes]; to close this window without printing any copies, click [No].
If you checked the Print quick pick list box, the system displays a print window. Do the following:
In the Printer field, use the drop-down menu to select a printer or make no change to use the option displayed.
In the Copies field, enter the number of copies to print or make no change to use the number displayed.
To show canceled items on the picking list, check the Show canceled items box.
To show back ordered items on the picking list, check the Show back ordered items box.
To show previously shipped items on the picking list, check the Show previously shipped items box.
To preview the document before printing it, click the Print Preview icon.
To print the specified number of copies on the selected printer, click [Yes]; to close this window without printing any copies, click [No].
Reversing a ShipmentReversing a Shipment
When performing a shipment reversal, e-automate allows you to modify the number of items that are returning and their respective destinations. By contrast, when you void a shipment you cannot change or modify the parameters.
From the Sales menu, select Shipments and Deliveries to open the Sales Shipments and Deliveries list window.
Note: You can also navigate to the shipment list, filtered by an order or invoice number, by right-clicking on either the order or the invoice and selecting Go To > Sales Shipments and Deliveries: Order number to Order number.
From the Shipments and Deliveries list, select the shipment you want to reverse.
Click [Reverse] to open the Reversing Shipment window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Description: Optional brief description of the shipment.
Ship method: The method of shipment specified on the sales order. Change as necessary.
Note: To link to the web and view tracking information, the Ship method field must be linked to a shipping company.
Apply to: The selected shipment is automatically identified by e-automate. You can change as appropriate.
Freight: The price you are crediting the customer for this shipment reversal. This amount is posted to the general ledger to your freight revenue account as a debit.
Note: The amount should be entered as a negative amount.
Freight cost: The amount this shipment will cost you, the dealer, to ship. If this is a shipment reversal, leave this field blank. You have already paid for the original shipment.
Weight: The weight of the shipment.
Type: The type of shipment you are creating. The shipment type is pre-populated by e-automate and does not allow you to edit it when doing a reversal.
Shipped date: The date you reversed the shipment.
Estimated delivery date: The date you estimate you will receive the reversed shipment.
Delivery date: Field in which you can record the actual delivery date.
To make adjustments to an item you are reversing, do the following:
Double-click on the item to open the Edit Shipment Detail window.
To change the reversing quantity of this item, enter the amount you are reversing in the Ship now field.
To return the inventory to a warehouse and/or bin other than that listed, do the following:
In the Warehouse / bin / quantity region, select the warehouse from which the item is currently returning, and e-automate populates the Warehouse, Bin, and Quantity fields.
In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup icon to select the warehouse to which you want to return the item.
In the Bin field, use the Lookup icon to select the bin to which you want to return the item.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of items you want returned to the warehouse/bin combination defined.
Click [Update] to update the Warehouse / bin / quantity region.
Click [OK] to save your returning item changes.
To modify additional items on the reversing shipment, repeat Step 5 until you have modified all items necessary on the reversing shipment.
To indicate that an item will not be returned, do the following:
Select the item from the list.
Click [Remove] to remove the item from the reversing shipment.
Note: Removing an item from the reversing shipment leaves the item with the customer and status as Shipped.
Click [OK] to record the shipment reversal.
Voiding a ShipmentVoiding a Shipment
When performing a void of a shipment you cannot modify quantity or location on the shipment. If you want to modify the quantities or locations, you should use a shipment reversal, not a void. When voiding a shipment you can determine whether or not the sales order is reopened.
From the Sales menu, select Shipments and Deliveries to open the Sales Shipments and Deliveries list window.
Note: You can also navigate to the shipment list, filtered by an order or invoice number, by right-clicking on either the order or the invoice and selecting Go To > Sales Shipments and Deliveries: Order number to Order number.
On the Shipments and Deliveries list, select the shipment you want to void and click [Void].
The Attention Required window displays, asking if you want to re-open the sales order to re-shipment of the items from the sales order in the future.
Click [Yes] to create the shipment reversal and to reopen the sales order, allowing you to ship again at a later time.
Click [No] to create the shipment reversal and to keep the sales order Shipped, not allowing you to ship again in the future.
Recording the Arrival of the RMARecording the Arrival of the RMA
From the Sales menu, select RMA Orders to open the RMA Orders list window.
Click [Searches] to open the RMA Order window.
In the window, locate Open, and click [Select] to filter your RMA Orders list by open RMA orders.
Locate the RMA for which you are recording the arrival of returning items and select it from the list.
Click [Arrive] to open the New Shipment window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Order number: The RMA associated with the shipment arrival. Change as necessary.
Customer: The customer associated with the RMA order.
Description: Optional brief description of the shipment arrival.
Ship method: The method of shipment specified on the sales order. Change as necessary.
Note: To link to the web and view tracking information, the Ship method field must be linked to a shipping company.
Freight: The price you are crediting the customer for this shipment reversal, if any. This amount is posted to the general ledger to your freight revenue account as a debit.
Note: The amount should be entered as a negative number.
Freight cost: The amount this shipment will cost you, the dealer, to ship. If this is a shipment reversal, leave this field blank. You have already paid for the original shipment.
Weight: The weight of the shipment.
Type: The type of shipment you are creating. The shipment type is pre-populated by e-automate for you.
Shipped date: The date the returning item arrived.
Arrival Date: The date the item arrived.
To make adjustments to an arriving item, do the following:
Double-click on the item to open the Edit Shipment Item window.
To change the arriving quantity of this item, enter the quantity that arrived now in the Arrive now field.
To arrive the inventory to a warehouse and/or bin other than that listed, do the following:
In the Warehouse / bin / quantity region, select the warehouse to which the item is currently arriving, and e-automate populates the Warehouse, Bin, and Quantity fields.
In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup icon to select the warehouse to which you want to arrive the item.
In the Bin field, use the Lookup icon to select the bin to which you want to arrive the item.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of items you want arrive to the warehouse/bin combination defined.
Click [Update] to update the Warehouse / bin / quantity region.
Click [OK] to save your arriving item changes.
To modify additional items on the arriving shipment, repeat Step 7 until you have modified all items necessary on the arriving shipment.
To indicate that an item will not be arriving, do the following:
Select the item from the list.
Click [Remove] to remove the item from the arriving shipment.
Note: Removing an item from the arriving shipment leaves the item with the customer and flagged as Open on the RMA.
To proceed immediately to the credit memo for items arriving, check the Fulfill order checkbox.
Click [OK] to record the shipment arrival.
Reversing an RMA ArrivalReversing an RMA Arrival
When performing an arrival reversal, e-automate offers you the opportunity to modify the number of items that were returned during the original arrival. When you void the arrival of an RMA Order item you cannot change or modify the parameters.
From the Sales menu, select Shipments and Deliveries to open the Sales Shipments and Deliveries list window.
From the Shipments and Deliveries list, select the shipment return you want to reverse.
Note: Shipment returns are typically numbered SR#####.
Click [Reverse] to open the Reversing Shipment window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Description: Optional brief description of the shipment return reversal.
Ship method: The method of shipment specified on the RMA order.
Apply to: The selected shipment is automatically identified by e-automate.
Freight: The amount you are returning to the customer for this shipment reversal.
Freight cost: The amount this shipment will cost you, the dealer, to ship. If this is a shipment reversal, leave this field blank. You have already paid for the original shipment.
Weight: The weight of the shipment.
Type: The type of shipment you are creating. The shipment type is pre-populated by e-automate for you and does not allow you to edit it when doing a reversal.
Number: The number to be assigned to the shipment reversal. The e-automate system automatically numbers it for you.
Shipped date: The date you reversed the shipment.
Estimated Delivery Date: The date you estimate the customer will receive the reversed items.
Delivery Date: Field in which you can record the actual delivery date.
To make adjustments to an item you are reversing, do the following:
Double-click on the item to open the Edit Shipment Arrival Detail window.
To change the reversing quantity of this item, enter the amount you are reversing in the Arrive now field. On a reversal, this is usually a negative number.
To reverse the inventory from a different warehouse and/or bin other than that listed, do the following:
In the Warehouse / bin / quantity region, select the warehouse from which the item is leaving, and e-automate populates the Warehouse, Bin, and Quantity fields.
In the Warehouse field, use the lookup icon to select the warehouse to which you want to pull the shipment reversal.
In the Bin field, use the lookup icon to select the bin to which you want to pull the item for the return.
In the Quantity field, enter the number of items you want reversed.
Click [Update] to update the Warehouse / bin / quantity region.
Click [OK] to save your reversing item changes.
To modify additional items on the reversing shipment, repeat Step 5 until you have modified all items necessary on the reversing arrival shipment.
To indicate that an item will not be reversed, do the following:
Select the item from the list.
Click [Remove] to remove the item from the reversing arrival shipment.
Click [OK] to record the arrival shipment reversal.
Recording Package Tracking InformationRecording Package Tracking Information
From the Sales menu, select Shipments and Deliveries to open the Sales Shipments and Deliveries list window.
Locate the shipment to which you want to add associated package tracking information, select it, and click [Edit]. The Edit Shipment window opens.
Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward.
To record tracking information, do the following:
In the Tracking number field, enter the package tracking number.
In the Weight field, enter the package weight.
Click [Add] to add the tracking number to the Packages list.
Repeat Steps a through c until you have added tracking information for all packages.
To record package delivery dates, do the following:
From the Packages list, select the tracking number for which you are recording a delivery date.
In the Delivery Date field, enter the delivery date.
Click [Update].
Repeat Steps a through c until you have recorded all delivery dates.
Click [OK] to save the tracking information to the shipment.
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