Creating Credit RMA Orders
You use Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) orders to track the return of items from your customers. The RMA for Credit is designed to track items that you are receiving from a customer and, in exchange, providing them a credit for the returned item. If you are replacing or repairing an item that a customer is returning, you should use the RMA for Replacement, Advance Replacement, or Repair. For more information, see the Creating Replacement RMA Orders topic.
When accepting items as a return in e-automate, you are required to associate a return code with each item. You cannot process customer returns without a return code. The return code tells e-automate where to place the item(s) in your inventory (warehouse and bin), and provides information about the cost of the returning item.
When using the RMA process for customer credits, you create the RMA order, record the arrival of the items on the RMA order, and fulfill the RMA order by creating a credit memo. When recording the arrival of an RMA order item, you can save time in the process by selecting the Fulfill order checkbox on the New Shipment Arrival window. Doing so directs e-automate to immediately create the credit memo.
Creating the RMA for CreditCreating the RMA for Credit
From the Sales menu, select RMA Orders to open the RMA Orders window.
Click [New] to open the New RMA Order window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Customer: Name of the customer to whom you are issuing the RMA. The phone number automatically populates.
Description: Brief description detailing this RMA.
Type: The kind of RMA you are entering. For this topic you are creating a credit, so select Credit. You can choose from Credit, Adv Replacement, Replacement, and Repair, or your own created RMA type. E-automate populates this field based on your client settings. For more information about changing your client settings, see the Setting Personal Client Settings topic.
Status: The current status of this RMA. By default e-automate assumes the status is Open. You can create your own RMA statuses and assign them as necessary to meet your operational needs.
Return code: The return code to be associated with the items added to this RMA.
You use the Orig Invoice field to identify the customer’s original invoice number for the item they are returning. To identify the original invoice, do the following:
Note: E-automate tracks how many of the items on the original invoice have been returned.
Click […] to open the Invoice Items window.
In the Invoice field, use the lookup icon to select a previous invoice associated with the customer identified on the RMA order.
To return the item to the warehouse and bin location it was drawn from on the original invoice, check the Use the invoice line item warehouse(s) instead of the default warehouse(s) from the order.
In the list of items, select the item(s) that are returning.
Note: You can select multiple items as necessary.
To modify the quantity of items returning, in the Return now field identify the quantity of items from the original invoice that are being returned and click [Update].
Note: Observe the Returned and the Return Now columns. If you try to return more items than are on the original invoice, minus those already returned, e-automate displays a warning on this type of return.
Click [OK] to add the checked item(s) to the RMA for Credit. Acknowledge the Attention Required window by clicking [Yes] to add the items to the RMA order, or [No] to cancel the addition of the items to the order.
Note: You can only associate one previous invoice with an RMA order.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Ordered by: The contact associated with the customer responsible for this RMA order.
Note: By default, the system filters this list for contacts associated with this customer. If you want to view contacts not displayed in this list, do any of the following:
To view all contacts, use the drop-down menu to select No filter.
To view contacts for this customer only (the default setting), use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer contacts.
To view contacts for this customer and contacts who are not currently associated with any customer, use the drop-down menu to select Filter > Customer or unassociated contacts.
To add a new contact, use the drop-down menu to select New. The system displays the New Contact window. For more information on creating a new contact, see the Creating Contacts topic.
Note: If you choose a contact that is not associated with the current customer, you will not be able to save the order. You must select a contact associated with the current customer, or you must associate the contact you selected with the current customer. To associate an existing contact with the current customer, use the drop-down menu to select Edit. The system displays the Edit Contact window. See the "Customer Tab" section of the Creating Contacts topic for more information on associating a contact with a customer.
Number: Number of the RMA order. This is automatically assigned the next sequential number in the database, but you may change this number.
Date: Date of the creation of this RMA order.
Req. date: Date the item(s) are required by the customer.
PO number: The purchase order from the customer, if any.
Return warehouse: Populated from your Company or Branch Options based on your administrator’s assignment of warehouse for the selected return code. You can change this warehouse as necessary.
Note: E-automate enforces the rules of the warehouse based on the return code selected.
Ship warehouse: Warehouse for items being fulfilled on this RMA. Because this RMA is for credit only, this field is disabled.
Summary: The Summary region keeps a running total value of the RMA order.
To add an item to the RMA order and accept the default settings for the items, do the following:
In the Item field, use the lookup icon to select the item the customer is returning.
In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of the item the customer is returning.
Click [QuickAdd] to add the item to the RMA order.
To add an item and change information about a selected item do the following:
Click [Add] to open the Add RMA Order Item window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Line type: The type of line you are adding. This should be a return line item, indicating that this item will come back into your inventory.
Item number: Use the lookup to select the returning item.
Description: Description of the item returning; you can change it as necessary.
Quantity: Quantity of the item returning from the customer.
Price: Price or amount for which you will issue a credit.
Item discount: Item discount if any.
Tracking number: If your customer reports a tracking number for this line item, you can record this number in this field. If you have a tracking number, you can click […] to launch a web browser. You can view tracking information for the item associated with the shipping company assigned to this RMA order.
Unit of measure: Classification of the possible quantities that can be returned/ordered such as each, box, or case.
Equipment: If this is a supply order, select the customer’s equipment to identify the destination of this supply or part. Doing so will associate the cost credit to the contract for profitability calculation.
Contract: Number of the current service contract associated with the piece of equipment. This is automatically identified if the equipment is under contract.
Department: Department associated with the RMA.
Tax as: The tax flag associated with this item.
To edit the warehouse and bin to which inventory items will be returned, do the following:
On the Warehouse / Bin /Quantity tab, select the row you want to modify and click [Edit] to open the Edit RMA Order Return Item Bin window.
In the Warehouse field, use the Lookup icon to select the return warehouse.
In the Bin field, use the Lookup icon to select the bin.
In the Quantity field, enter the quantity to be returned from the selected warehouse and bin.
If you are canceling some or all of this item, enter the canceled amount in the Canceled field. You must enter the same value in the Canceled field at the bin level and the detail level.
Click the Warehouse Availability icon to view Inventory Item location information.
On the Return Information tab, change information as necessary.
To change the out cost associated with the sales rep and this credit, click the Out Cost tab to bring it forward.
To override the out cost, check Override and enter the override cost.
To enter notes, click the Notes tab and enter appropriate notes.
To remove a warehouse and bin, select the warehouse and bin from the list and click [Remove].
To modify a warehouse and bin, select the warehouse and bin from the list. In the Warehouse field, select the warehouse; in the Bin field, select the bin and click [Update].
Click [OK] to save the item and the associated settings.
To add remarks, click the Remarks tab and add remarks.
Note: Remarks print on the credit memo.
To add more items for credit, repeat Steps 6 or 7.
For information on modifying information on the Billing/Shipping, Miscellaneous, Out Cost, and/or Remarks tabs, see the Creating Equipment Sales Orders and Creating Supply Sales Orders topics.
Click [OK] to save the RMA order.
Recording the Arrival of Items on an RMARecording the Arrival of Items on an RMA
From the Sales menu, select RMA Orders to open the RMA Orders window.
To display open RMA orders, do the following:
In the unlabeled column field (the first field in the QuickSearch region), use the drop-down menu to select Open.
In the unlabeled comparison operator field (the second field from the left in the QuickSearch region), use the drop-down menu to select Equals.
Click the Yes radio button.
Click [Go] to display all the open RMA orders.
Note: To use advanced QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.
Select the RMA order from the list of orders that have arrived.
Click [Arrive] to open the New Shipment -RMAXXX window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Order number: The RMA for which you are recording the arrival of items. Change if necessary.
Customer: Customer associated with the RMA order.
Description: Brief description of the RMA order.
Ship method: Ship method associated with the RMA order. Change as necessary.
Freight: Amount of freight to be credited back for the RMA order.
Freight cost: Customer's cost of freight. Typically not used in this context.
Weight: Weight of the shipment.
Type: The kind of shipment. This field should be left as Shipment arrival.
Number: The number assigned to this shipment arrival. This is automatically assigned the next sequential number in the database, but you may change this number.
Shipped date: Date the item was shipped.
Arrival Date: Date the shipment arrived.
To record the arrival of items on a shipment, do ONE of the following:
If all items on the shipment arrived, go to Step 7.
To modify the number of items arriving, do the following:
Select the row for the item quantity you want to modify.
Click [Edit] to open the Edit Shipment Item window.
In the Arrive Now field, enter the quantity of the items that arrived.
To modify the warehouse and bin in which the items arrived, in the Warehouse / bin / quantity region, select the warehouse. In the Warehouse, Bin, and Quantity fields, enter the appropriate values. Click [Update] to record you warehouse and bin settings.
Click [OK] to save your settings.
To remove items that did not arrive, do the following:
Select the row(s) for the item(s) that did not arrive.
Note: You can use SHIFT + click or CTRL + click to select multiple rows.
Click [Remove] to remove the items that did not arrive.
Click [OK] to record the arrival of items on the shipment.
Note: Clicking [OK] changes the status of the RMA order to Arrived. You can fulfill the credit associated with the arrival by checking the Fulfill order checkbox. When checked, e-automate opens the Fulfill Order window, allowing you to create the credit memo associated with the return.
Fulfilling RMA OrdersFulfilling RMA Orders
From the Sales menu, select RMA Orders to open the RMA Orders window
Use the drop-down menu in the QuickSearch field to select Open. E-automate displays the open RMA orders.
From the RMA orders that have the Arrival status, select the RMA order for which you want to create the credit memo.
Click [Fulfill] to open the Fulfill Order window.
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Description: Brief description of the fulfillment, if any.
Picking list: Picking list associated with this order, if any.
Invoice: Number to be assigned to the credit memo. The system automatically assigns the credit memo number, but you can specify it if necessary.
Date: Date the credit memo posts to the general ledger.
Do the following:
To remove an entire shipment, do the following:
In the Shipments region, locate the shipment you want to remove from the credit memo.
In the Number column, uncheck the checkbox next to the shipment number.
Note: Deselecting the shipment number removes all items on the shipment.
To remove items on an individual shipment, do the following:
In the Shipments region, locate and select the shipment containing items you want to remove from the credit. When selected, e-automate displays items associated with the shipment in the Items region.
Locate the item(s) you want to remove.
Note: Use SHIFT + click or CTRL + click to select multiple rows.
Click [Remove] to remove the selected items from the credit memo.
Note: Items that remain will stay on the RMA, flagged as Arrive, until they are credited.
Verify all items for the credit memo are listed.
To add remarks, click the Remarks tab and add remarks.
Note: Remarks print on the credit memo.
Click [OK] to create a credit memo with the specified items.
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