Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

Setting Personal Client Settings

You use client settings to personally configure the way your workstation looks and operates. You can configure printers, list window appearance, dispatch console behavior, email settings, miscellaneous options, order defaults, printer settings, and standard and custom report locations.

Getting To the TransactionGetting To the Transaction

From the Tools menu, select Client Settings to open the Client Settings window.

Client Appearance SettingsClient Appearance Settings

In the left pane, click on Appearance. The system displays the Appearance client settings in the right pane.

Set List view style to one of the following:

Use default list settings (recommended): Select this option to use the system defaults.

Customize: Select this option if you want to specify custom list view styles.  If you select this option, do the following:

Set List row delimiter to one of the following:

Horizontal lines: Select this option to have the system place a horizontal line between each row of data in the list views.

Shaded Bars: Select this option to have the system shade every other row of data in the list views.

No row delimiter: Select this option to have the system display the data in the list views without using any grid lines or shading between rows.

Set List column delimiter to one of the following:

Vertical lines: Select this option to have the system place vertical lines between columns of data in the list views.

No row delimiter: Select this option to have the system display the data in the list views without using any grid lines between columns.

To enable form mnemonics (keyboard shortcuts), check the Enable form Mnemonics checkbox.
Note: Form mnemonics or window mnemonics are found in the field names indicated by an underlined letter. You can use your keyboard to navigate to a field in a window by pressing the <Alt> key and then pressing the appropriate underlined letter. For example, to navigate to the Customer field on the Service Contract window the mnemonic is the letter C. In the New Service Contract window or the Edit Service Contract window, if mnemonics are enabled on your client, the Customer field is identified as Customer, with the C underlined. To use the mnemonic, you can press <Alt> + C and the cursor navigates to the Customer field. To navigate to other fields, use the <Alt> key and the appropriate underlined letter for the field to which you want the cursor to move.

Client Dispatch Console SettingsClient Dispatch Console Settings

In the left pane, click on Dispatch console. The system displays the Dispatch console client settings in the right pane.

To have the system display a small popup window when you hover the mouse over a service call in the Service Calls For region of the Dispatch Console, do the following:

Check the Show tooltip on service call list checkbox. The tooltip displays the service call’s bill-to terms, customer number, equipment item description, equipment make/model, equipment location remarks, and the equipment’s primary note.

Use the Time before tooltip appears on the service call list slider to specify a number of seconds from 0 to 10 that the system should allow to elapse from the time you hover the mouse over a service call until the system displays the tooltip.

Use the Duration of tooltip on service call list slider to specify a number of seconds from 0 to 10 during which the system should display the tooltip.

To have the system automatically refresh the Dispatch Console based on a specified refresh rate, do the following:

Check the Automatically refresh dispatch console checkbox.

Use the Refresh rate slider to specify an amount of time from 10 seconds to 5 minutes during which the system should count down between each automatica refresh of the data displayed on the Dispatch Console.
Note: The Dispatch Console displays a countdown clock showing the amount of time until the next automatic refresh.

Client Email OptionsClient Email Options

In the left pane, click on Email settings. The system displays the Email settings in the right pane.

Set Email settings to one of the following:

Use default mapi email agent on this client machine: Select this option to have e-automate use the installed mapi email client if there is one. If there is not a mapi email client, no email will be sent.
Note: If you are using Microsoft Outlook, your system displays a warning message stating that an application is trying to send an email on your behalf and this could be a virus. If you want the email sent, you should allow the email to be sent.

Use built-in email agent: Select this option to have e-automate use a built-in email client to send e-automate email instead of  your local mapi email client. If you select this option, complete the following fields:
Note: Selecting this option does not display the potential virus warning.

SMTP server: Name or IP address of your email server.

SMTP port: The port for email. The default port is 25. If your configuration is different, change the port here.

This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL): When checked, the system requires you to provide an encrypted connection (SSL).

Use SMTP authentication: When checked, the system requires you to provide a user name and password when sending emails through your email server.  If you checked this box, complete the following fields:

User name: SMTP User name.

Password: SMTP Password.

Use secure password authentication: When checked, the system requires a password to use SMTP authentication.

Sender address: Return address specified on any emails sent from this client machine.
Note: If you are using Microsoft Office 365, see the Enabling SMTP Auth for Specific Mailboxes topic.

Click on the [Send test email] button to send an email to the sender address specified.

Client Email Template OptionsClient Email Template Options

When you email one or more invoices to a customer via a right-click menu Email option, the system displays an Email Invoices window.  The system:

Populates the Subject field with:
Invoices you requested

Populates the Message field with:
Attached are the invoices as we discussed.
Please review and make payments as required.
Thank you,

You can override the values in these fields on a per email basis.  You can also use the Email Templates options to specify the values you want to display in these fields by default.

Do one of the following:

To continue to use the default values specified above, make no change.

To specify your own default values, do the following:

In the left pane, click on Email Templates. The system displays the Email templates client settings in the right pane.

In the Invoice Subject field, enter the value the system should display in the Invoice Subject field of an Email Invoices window.

In the Message field, enter the value the system should display in the Message field of an Email Invoices window.

Client Misc. OptionsClient Misc. Options

In the left pane, click on Misc. options. The system displays the Misc. options client settings in the right pane.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Your system defined warehouse (set in Company Settings or Branch settings) is always used by e-automate when it determines the warehouse and bin from which an inventory item is pulled. To override the company setting for this client machine, check the Override system default warehouse(s) with the following warehouse check box.  If you check this box, complete the following fields:

In the Warehouse field, use the Drop-down Menu icon to select the override warehouse.

If you want this warehouse to be the permanent override warehouse for this client, check the Make permanent check box.  If you want to use an override warehouse for just this session of e-automate, do not check the Make permanent check box.  When you log out of e-automate and log back in, the system reverts back to the permanently flagged warehouse.

If you want to skip the Billing Queue tab and move directly to the Ready to Invoice tab when a contract validates during contract billing, check the Skip billing queue tab if contract billing validates check box.  If you do not check this box, the system will not skip the Billing Queue tab.

In the Default metric page field, use the Drop-down Menu to select the metrics page you want e-automate to display by default when you click [Metrics] on the e-automate toolbar.

If you want e-automate to automatically refresh your Metrics page on a timed interval, check Automatically refresh metrics page check box.

If you checked the Automatically refresh metrics page check box, specify in Minutes the interval the system should use to refresh your Metrics page.

Client Order DefaultsClient Order Defaults

In the left pane, click on Order defaults. The system displays the Order defaults client settings in the right pane.

In the Sales orders – default order type region, select one of the following:

Remember last used: Select when you want e-automate to set the next order type to be the same as the last one used on this computer for a sales order.

Use: Select when you want to define a specific sales order type for this client computer.

Leave blank: Select when you do not want a type specified on the order.

In the Purchase orders – default order type region, select one of the following:

Remember last used: Select when you want e-automate to set the next order type to be the same as the last one used on this computer for a purchase order.

Use: Select when you want to define a specific purchase order type for this client computer.

Leave blank: Select when you do not want a type specified on the order.

In the RMA – default order type region, select one of the following:

Remember last used: Select when you want e-automate to set the next order type to be the same as the last one used on this computer for RMAs.

Use: Select when you want to define a specific RMA type for this client computer.

Leave blank: Select when you do not want a type specified on the RMA.

In the RTV – default order type region, select one of the following:

Remember last used: Select when you want e-automate to set the next order type to be the same as the last one used on this computer for RTV orders.

Use: Select when you want to define a specific RTV type for this client computer.

Leave blank: Select when you do not want a type specified on the RTV.

Client Printer SettingsClient Printer Settings

In the left pane, click on Printers. The system displays the Printers client settings in the right pane.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Sales invoice printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print sales invoices from the Sales Invoice list window.

Default copies: Number of copies to be printed of that particular invoice or report for your e-automate client.

Use branch: When checked, e-automate overrides the number of copies of the report specified here and uses the number of copies identified on the branch (main company) settings.
Note: You can access these settings by going to the e-automate menu, Tools > Options and then clicking either [Edit Company Settings] or [Edit Main Branch Settings] depending on whether you have branching enabled. You then click Report Options tab to bring it forward. The number of copies is listed on this tab. When branching is enabled, you can also access other branch’s settings from the Accounting menu by selecting Branches.

Sales fulfillment invoice printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print fulfillment invoices.
Note: Fulfillment invoices can be printed from within the Fulfill Sales Order window when fulfilling a sales order.

Sales packing list printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print sales fulfillment packing lists.
Note: Packing lists can be printed from the Fulfill Sales Order window when fulfilling a sales order.

Sales picking list printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print picking lists.

Service call printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print service call tickets from the Dispatch Console.

Service invoice printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print service invoices from the Service Invoices list window.

Use branch: When checked, e-automate overrides the number of copies of the report specified here and uses the number of copies identified on the branch (main company) settings.
Note: You can access these settings by going to the e-automate menu, Tools > Options and then clicking either [Edit Company Settings] or [Edit Main Branch Settings] depending on whether you have branching enabled. You then click Report Options tab to bring it forward. The number of copies is listed on this tab. When branching is enabled, you can also access other branch’s settings from the Accounting menu by selecting Branches.

Contract invoice printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print contract invoices.

Use branch: When checked, e-automate overrides the number of copies of the report specified here and uses the number of copies identified on the branch (main company) settings.
Note: You can access these settings by going to the e-automate menu, Tools > Options and then clicking either [Edit Company Settings] or [Edit Main Branch Settings] depending on whether you have branching enabled. You then click Report Options tab to bring it forward. The number of copies is listed on this tab. When branching is enabled, you can also access other branch’s settings from the Accounting menu by selecting Branches.

Check printer: Printer from your list of installed printers to be used to print accounts payable checks.
Note: If you choose to print more than one copy of your checks, you must allow for plain paper or void paper for the copy checks.

Barcode printer: Printer from you list of installed printers that you use print barcode labels for your inventory items.

Client Report OptionsClient Report Options

In the left pane, click on Reports. The system displays the Reports client settings in the right pane.

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Override system report settings: When checked, e-automate looks to this client machine’s report settings rather than the system-wide report settings.

Use report in custom reports folder if it exists: When checked, prior to generating a report, e-automate looks to see if there is a custom version of the report in the client machine’s custom reports folder. If so, e-automate uses the custom version.

Use alternate reports path: When checked, e-automate enables the Report folder field and allows you to identify a reports directory on any networked machine from which e-automate can run reports. This enables you to keep all of your reports, customized or not, on one networked drive and specifies that each client workstation run them from the identified reports folder.

Use alternate custom reports path: When checked, e-automate enables the Custom reports folder field and allows you to identify a directory on any networked machine from which e-automate can run custom reports. This checkbox tells e-automate to use the identified custom reports folder instead of the local custom reports folder.

Page break on each warehouse on the purchase receiving report: When checked e-automate automatically places page breaks between inventory items received into different warehouse on purchase orders. This is applicable to reports run from within e-automate, for example when receiving a purchase order.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Click [OK] to save your personal settings.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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