Setting Accounts Receivable Options
Accounts Receivable options are system wide options that govern how the Accounts Receivable module functions. When setting accounts receivable options, you set default values like:
Accounts receivable accounts
Payment term
Shipping method
Wire transfer fee
Finance charge rate
Minimum and maximum finance charges
The default values that display in the fields within the accounts receivable windows can be changed.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Options to open the Options window.
In the left pane, double-click on Accounts Receivable. The menu options are displayed in the left pane and the Accounts Receivable region in the right pane.
Basic InformationBasic Information
Enter the appropriate information.
See below for field descriptions.
Accounts receivable account: Default accounts receivable account.
Undeposited receipts account: Account into which customer payments are received.
Note: The balance in this account would represent the total of payments received, but not deposited.
Sales discount account: Account to which sales discounts are posted.
Sales discount department: Department with which sales discounts are associated on the income statement. Can be changed on a transaction.
Freight revenue account: Account to which revenue from freight charges on sales and accounts receivable invoices is posted.
Freight revenue department: Department to which freight revenue is associated on the income statement. Can be changed on a transaction.
Terms discount account: Account to which terms discounts given to customers are posted.
Terms discount department: Department to which terms discounts are associated on the income statement. Can be changed on a transaction.
Unapplied receipts account: Account to which customer payments which are not applied to an invoice are posted.
Note: If you enter an account other than an accounts receivable account in this field, the credits from these payments will not be included in your accounts receivable balance.
Bad debt account: Account to which bad debt expense is posted when writing off bad debt from the Accounts Receivable Console.
Bad debt department: Department to which bad debt expense is posted when writing off bad debt from the Accounts Receivable Console.
Cash account: Account supplied to the Receive Payments window when receiving a customer payment with the method, Wire.
Next invoice number: Number of the next invoice.
Next debit memo number: Number of the next debit memo.
Next credit memo number: Number of the next credit memo.
Job title for accounts receivable contact: Default job title for display in the Accounts Receivable Console. When a job title is identified, e-automate displays the customer’s contact, if any, with the specified job title in the Accounts Receivable Console. This field overrides the phone and fax of the customer profile and places the contact’s phone and fax in the console in place of the customer’s. Also displays the contact’s name in the Contact column.
Note: This field is not functional at this time. The Accounts Receivable Console only displays in the Contact column of the customer accounts list the name of the contact, if any, listed in the Accounts receivable contact field of the customer record.
Enable auto-apply on payments: When checked, e-automate allows accounts receivable payments made but not applied to specific invoices to be applied by e-automate using the date as the application criteria, oldest invoices are paid first.
Select Customer Setup Defaults in the left pane.
Enter the appropriate information. See below for field descriptions.
Price level: Price level that defaults onto each new customer profile.
Shipping method: Shipping method that defaults onto each new customer profile.
Terms: Terms that default onto each new customer profile.
Equipment/Contract contact category: When associating a contact with a customer from within the customer profile and the contact has been assigned the contact category identified here, e-automate automatically populates this contact as the Equipment Contact and the Decision Maker Contact for the customer.
Select Finance Charges in the left pane.
Enter the appropriate information. See below for field descriptions.
Finance charge account: Account to which finance charge revenues are posted.
Finance charge dept.: Department with which finance charges are to be associated.
Annual rate: Annual finance charge rate.
Last cutoff date: End date of the last period for which finance charges were assessed.
Minimum charge: Minimum amount charged as a finance charge.
Maximum charge: Maximum amount charged as a finance charge.
The average daily balance: This method determines the average daily balance of past due invoices in the specified time period and assesses finance charges based on periodic rate for the period. In order to use this method you must identify a start date and an end date so e-automate can calculate the average daily past due balances during the specified time.
The due amount on invoices at the time of assessment: This method assesses finance charges by due amount on invoices that are past due at the time of assessment. This method only takes into consideration the specific invoices that are past due at the time of finance charge assessment. For example, if an invoice was 30 days past due and paid the day prior to assessing finance charges, e-automate would not assess finance charges on the paid invoice. When using this method, e-automate creates a single miscellaneous charge invoice on the customer’s account with an explanation of the finance charges in the notes of the created invoice. When using this method you can, before you assess charges, right-click in the Finance Charges window on each row and view the details associated with the calculated charges. If you use this method, e-automate calculates each past due invoice charge separately and then it creates a finance charge invoice for all past due invoice amounts.
Apply charges to open finance charge invoices: When checked, e-automate can assess finance charges on finance charge invoices.
Select User Defined Fields in the left pane.
Enter appropriate information. See below for field descriptions.
User defined field 1 label: Name of an additional field e-automate can display on the Miscellaneous tab of the miscellaneous charge invoice.
Note: This field cannot be searched or printed by e-automate. If this field is left blank, the field does not display.
User defined field 2 label: Name of an additional field e-automate can display on the Miscellaneous tab of the miscellaneous charge invoice.
Note: This field cannot be searched or printed by e-automate. If this field is left blank, the field does not display.
Select Wire Fees in the left pane.
Enter the appropriate information. See below for field descriptions.
Fee account: Account to which wire fee expenses will be posted.
Fee department: Department to which wire fees are associated on the income statement. Can be changed on a transaction.
Fee amount: Default fee amount for payments received by wire transfer, if any.
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click the [OK] button to save your changes and to close the Options window.
Note: If you made any changes, e-automate displays an Attention window, indicating that all users must restart e-automate in order for these changes to take effect. Do the following:
Click the [OK] button to acknowledge the message.
Restart e-automate so that these changes will take effect.
If you are running e-agent, restart e-agent as well.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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