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Additional Info - Barcoding

Using ScanIT, a companion product, you can scan bar codes to count and/or to receive inventory.

For counting physical inventory, you create barcode labels to represent each warehouse-and-bin combination.  For more information on the process of generating these labels, see the ScanIt Import Utility and ScanIT Barcode Labels Reports topic's "Using the ScanIT Barcode Label Reports" section.  Once you generate the labels, you affix them to each applicable warehouse-and-bin, and then scan the barcode to identify the warehouse-and-bin combination for which you are scanning data.

For both counting physical inventory and receiving inventory against a purchase order, you scan barcodes on individual items.  If you generate barcode labels for these items using e-automate, the barcode label for each non-serialized item should typically contain the item's e-automate Item number.  Each serialized item must have a barcode containing the item's serial number.  For counting physical inventory, the system can also match a non-serialized item if the item's barcode contains an OEM Number, UPC, or Vendor Item Number—provided the item's Item record in e-automate contains the corresponding information.  For receiving physical inventory, the system can also match a non-serialized item if the barcode contains a Vendor Item Number—provided the item's Item record in e-automate contains the corresponding information—or a barcode containing information that has previously been manually matched to an e-automate Item number.

Item lookups in e-automate have the ability to cross-reference the item number, UPC number, item description, and vendor numbers and historical vendor numbers. Because e-automate can cross-reference the Item number field, you can scan the UPC field (or any other cross-reference-capable field) and e-automate can determine the item number if the UPC field's value is unique. If for some reason you have the same value in the UPC field for more than one item, e-automate will indicate the duplication and request clarification to identify the item you are trying to match.

If you have the ability to edit an item's Item number in e-automate after the item's Item record has been created, the system display's the item's Item number field as if it is disabled. If you change the value in the Item number field and then attempt to save your changes, the system displays a warning message reminding you of the implications of changing an item's Item number and suggesting a possible alternative.  The warning message informs you that, if you change an item's Item number:

You will need to re-label the items that bear the old item number label. This re-labeling applies to items that may be returned as well as items in technician warehouses.

The system will reflect transaction history using the new item number, not the old number. Unless you add the old number to manufacturer history, you will not be able to look up the old item number.

You should consider changing the Vendor item number on the Vendors tab of the item's Item record rather than changing the item's Item number. The system displays the current preferred vendor and preferred vendor's Vendor item number number in a variety of locations throughout e-automate and e-views.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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