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ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels

If you have purchased ScanIT, plan to use the ScanIT app's Count Inventory functionality, and have installed the ScanIT Import Utility (which adds the ScanIT app's reports to your Report Console's Inventory section), you can process a ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels report to generate combined warehouse-and-bin barcode labels in the @@warehouse,bin format that the ScanIT app requires for counting inventory in multiple bins within the same warehouse at one time.

You can filter the report for a specific warehouse and for specific bins within that warehouse.
Note: These barcode labels use the value in the Inventory Warehouse record's Warehouse field and the Inventory Bin record's Bin field.  To fit on a barcode label, the number of characters in these two fields combined cannot exceed 19 characters.  If they do, you have the option of using a different ScanIT report that generates QR codes, which accommodate the full 15 characters for the warehouse and the full 15 characters for the bin, or of using this report to generate barcodes and renaming your warehouses and/or bins so that the combined number of characters does not exceed the barcode label's limit of 19 characters for these two fields combined. The 19 character limit does not include the @@ symbols or comma that are part of the @@warehouse,bin barcode format.

Before printing a lot of labels using one of the four ScanIT label reports, ECI recommends printing a limited set of labels using the different report options available, verifying the print quality of the printed labels is good, and testing the labels using your phone's camera or Bluetooth connected scanner to determine which will perform best for your configuration.  Our testing showed that when using a phone's camera, Android devices resolved the scanned barcodes and QR codes equally fast. The iOS devices still resolved the QR codes, but took more time.  Barcodes worked better for iOS devices.

Getting to the ReportGetting to the Report

Log in to e-automate with appropriate permissions.

Click [Reports] to open the Report Console window.

In the left pane, click Inventory.

In the right pane, double-click ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels to open the ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels window.

Setting Report ParametersSetting Report Parameters

When setting report parameters, each parameter you have selected displays in the upper portion of the right pane. The parameters do not reset. The report displays with the parameters that were set the last time you ran the report. You can use the following parameters:


You can only run this report for one warehouse at a time.  To select the warehouse for which you want to generate bar code labels using this report, do the following:

In the left pane of the ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels window, select Warehouse to display the Warehouse region in the right pane.

In the Warehouse field, use the lookup to select a warehouse.


To filter by bin, do the following:

In the left pane of the ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels window, select Bins to display the Bins region in the right pane.

Do one of the following:

If you want to include all bins, in the Bins region, check the Include all Bins checkbox.

If you want to select a range of bins, do the following:

Uncheck the Include all Bins checkbox.

In the From field, enter the beginning bin or use the lookup to select a bin.

In the To field, enter the ending bin or use the lookup to select a bin.

If you want to select bins using the advanced filter, do the following:

Uncheck the Include all Bins checkbox.

Check the Use advanced filter box.

Click the [Advanced filter] button to open the Bins window.

Use the QuickSearch functionality to filter for the bin(s) you want to include in the report. For information on using QuickSearch functionality, see the Using the QuickSearch topic.

When the Bins window displays the bin(s) you want to include in the report, click [OK] to return to the ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels window.

Processing the ReportProcessing the Report

On the ScanIT Zebra 4x2 Barcode Labels window, click [OK] to process the report.

Printing the ReportPrinting the Report

The report is designed to be printed on a Zebra printer on 4x2 labels.  The report will show one label per page.

For each label, the system prints:

The heading [Warehouse]-[Bin] (e.g., C-Provo-A, where C-Provo is the Warehouse field's value and A is the Bin field's value)

The QR Code

The QR Code's value in the @@[Warehouse],[Bin] format (e.g., @@C-Provo,A, where C-Provo is the Warehouse field's value and A is the Bin field's value)



Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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