Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

Placing Logos on Reports

Your e-automate database stores images for placing on customer reports.  You can add new images, edit existing images, and delete any images that are not currently being used on any reports.  If you edit an image that is being used on a report, the system will use the updated version of the image the next time the report is printed.  If you attempt to delete an image that is being used on a report, the system will notify you the image cannot be deleted because the system is using it for a report.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

From the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.

In the Select a list or code type field, use the Drop-down Menu icon to select Images.

Adding a New ImageAdding a New Image

To add a new company logo to the database that you can place on a report, do the following:

Click [New] to open the New Image window.

In the Name field, enter a name to identify the image.

In the Description field, enter a brief description of the image.

In the File path field, click [] to open the Open Image File... window.

Using the Open Image File... window, navigate to and select the File name of the image you want to add.
Use these guidelines for creating and/or editing in an image editor program the company logo image you want to use with e-automate:

File Format: e-automate supports .png, .jpg/.jpeg, and .bmp, image file formats.
Note: The system automatically filters image files to display only these formats (.gif images are currently included in the display but are not supported).  If you manually enter into the File name field an image in a different file format, the system may accept the image but the file format may not be supported—even if the system appears to accept the file format.  For example, do not use .tif/.tiff files; files in this format have been known to cause the system to crash during printing.  ECI recommends using only the supported file formats.
Note: While .png files support transparency, files with transparency do not always display well.  Since paper copies of reports containing images are likely to be printed on white paper, ECI recommends using a white background instead of a transparent background.
Note: Some image file formats allow both Red/Green/Blue (RGB) and Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Key (CMYK) color settings. E-automate supports RGB color; it does not support CMYK color.

Image Resolution (Print): An image file's resolution determines its print quality.  A higher resolution provides better print quality (provided the image contains the detail to print and your printer supports the resolution), but also increases file size.  If your printer supports 600 dots-per-inch (DPI), this resolution provides a standard print quality.  If your printer supports a higher resolution, the image contains the necessary detail, and your company logo is not printing clearly at 600 DPI, you can increase the image's resolution.  If your printer does not support 600 DPI, the image does not contain the detail necessary to print more clearly, and/or if your company logo does not need that high of a resolution to print clearly, you can decrease the image's resolution.
Note: On-screen resolution is typically not as high as print resolution.  As a result, if the on-screen display of an image is pixel-for-pixel, the on-screen version of the image will display larger than the printed version of the same image.  If the on-screen display of an image is based on the relative print size of the image, the on-screen image may appear to be distorted because the screen can't display all the detail in the image file while the print version (printer permitting) does display all of the detail in the image file allowed by the higher resolution and may show the same image in a very high print quality.  After you add this image to a report, e-automate recommends printing a report to check the image's print quality.
Note: If the company logo image you select displays well on screen but does not display clearly when printed, the image quality may be too low for printing and increasing the image resolution will not help.  You may need to have a graphic designer create a higher quality image of your company logo to use for printing.

Image Print Size: For reports such as customer invoices and statements, e-automate supports images with a print size up to 1.7 inches in height by 5.5 inches wide.
Note: After you add this image to a report, e-automate recommends viewing a report and verifying that your company logo fits within the bounding box for the image when you click the on-screen image in the report.

Click [Open] to close the Open Image File... window and display the image's File path on the New Image window.
Note: The New image window displays the image pixel-for-pixel, so an image with a print resolution higher than the on-screen resolution will appear larger on screen than it will when printed and may not fit within the space available for the display.  This is not a problem if the image fits within the bounding box when you click the on-screen image in a report and if the image prints correctly when you print a report.

Click [OK] to close the New Image window and save this image.

Editing an Existing ImageEditing an Existing Image

To edit an existing company logo in the database, do the following:

Select a record from the Images table to edit.

Click [Edit] to open the Edit Image window.

In the Name field, enter a name to identify the image or make no change to use the existing name.

In the Description field, enter a brief description of the image or make no change to use the existing name.

To edit the image, do one of the following:

To replace the image with a different image, do the following:

In the File path field, click [] to open the Open Image File... window.

Using the Open Image File... window, navigate to and select the File name of the image you want to add.
Use these guidelines for creating and/or editing in an image editor program the company logo image you want to use with e-automate:

File Format: e-automate supports .png, .jpg/.jpeg, and .bmp image file formats.
Note: The system automatically filters image files to display only these formats (.gif images are currently included in the display but are not supported).  If you manually enter into the File name field an image in a different file format, the system may accept the image but the file format may not be supported—even if the system appears to accept the file format.  For example, do not use .tif/.tiff files; files in this format have been known to cause the system to crash during printing.  ECI recommends using only the supported file formats.
Note: While .png files support transparency, files with transparency do not always display well.  Since paper copies of reports containing images are likely to be printed on white paper, ECI recommends using a white background instead of a transparent background.
Note: Some image file formats allow both Red/Green/Blue (RGB) and Cyan/Magenta/Yellow/Key (CMYK) color settings. E-automate supports RGB color; it does not support CMYK color.

Image Resolution (Print): An image file's resolution determines its print quality.  A higher resolution provides better print quality (provided the image contains the detail to print and your printer supports the resolution), but also increases file size.  If your printer supports 600 dots-per-inch (DPI), this resolution provides a standard print quality.  If your printer supports a higher resolution, the image contains the necessary detail, and your company logo is not printing clearly at 600 DPI, you can increase the image's resolution.  If your printer does not support 600 DPI, the image does not contain the detail necessary to print more clearly, and/or if your company logo does not need that high of a resolution to print clearly, you can decrease the image's resolution.
Note: On-screen resolution is typically not as high as print resolution.  As a result, if the on-screen display of an image is pixel-for-pixel, the on-screen version of the image will display larger than the printed version of the same image.  If the on-screen display of an image is based on the relative print size of the image, the on-screen image may appear to be distorted because the screen can't display all the detail in the image file while the print version (printer permitting) does display all of the detail in the image file allowed by the higher resolution and may show the same image in a very high print quality.  After you change this image, e-automate recommends printing a report that uses this image to check the image's print quality.
Note: If the company logo image you select displays well on screen but does not display clearly when printed, the image quality may be too low for printing and increasing the image resolution will not help.  You may need to have a graphic designer create a higher quality image of your company logo to use for printing.

Image Print Size: For reports such as customer invoices and statements, e-automate supports images with a print size up to 1.7 inches in height by 5.5 inches wide.
Note: After you change this image, e-automate recommends viewing a report that uses this image and verifying that your company logo fits within the bounding box for the image when you click the on-screen image in the report.

Click [Open] to close the Open Image File... window and display the image's File path on the New Image window.
Note: The Edit Image window displays the image pixel-for-pixel, so an image with a print resolution higher than the on-screen resolution will appear larger on screen than it will when printed and may not fit within the space available for the display.  This is not a problem if the image fits within the bounding box when you click the on-screen image in a report and if the image prints correctly when you print a report.

To edit the existing image, do the following:

On the Edit Image window, click [Edit image] (the pencil button) to open a default image editing program such as MS Paint or Adobe Photo Shop.

Make any changes you want to make using your image editing program, observing the guidelines listed above for creating and/or editing company logo images, save your changes in that program, and then close the program.

On the Edit Image window, click [Refresh image] (the green, circular arrow button) to load the image changes.
Note: The New image window displays the image pixel-for-pixel, so an image with a print resolution higher than the on-screen resolution will appear larger on screen than it will when printed and may not fit within the space available for the display.  This is not a problem if the image fits within the bounding box when you click the on-screen image in a report and if the image prints correctly when you print a report.

Click [OK] to close the Edit Image window and save this image.

Deleting an Existing ImageDeleting an Existing Image

To delete an existing company logo in the database, do the following:

Select a record from the Images table to delete.

Click [Delete].  The system displays a message, "Are you sure you want to delete the name [image name]?"

Click [Yes] to delete the image.  If the image is not currently associated with any reports, the system deletes the image.  If the image is associated with any reports, the system informs you that the message cannot be deleted.  Click [OK] to acknowledge the message.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Once you have added one or more logos to your e-automate database, you are ready to select a logo to place on reports.

If your company is using branching, you can assign a different logo to each branch.  For more information, see the Creating Branches topic.

If your company is not using branching, see the Setting Company Options topic.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

©2022 ECI and the ECI logo are registered trademarks of ECI Software Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved.