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ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

Additional Info - Warehouses Tab

You use the Warehouses tab on an inventory item to define your company's minimum and maximum quantities and identify the item’s stocking type by warehouse. You can configure each warehouse to Stock, Drop-ship, or Special Order the items assigned to that warehouse. Identifying the stocking type by warehouse tells e-automate how to treat an item when it is placed on a sales order as well as how to treat an item when using the Update Warehouse/Item Minimums e-agent task.

In addition to using the Warehouses tab to identify stocking levels or methods, e-automate lists all the warehouses in which the inventory item has traveled. This can include warehouses that currently have stock of the item or warehouses that have had the item travel through them but currently do not have stock of the item. When listing warehouses on the Warehouses tab, e-automate differentiates between two different kinds of information; warehouses that have assigned stocking codes and warehouses in which an item has traveled but does not have a stocking code assigned to the warehouse. Warehouses with assigned stocking codes are automatically displayed in the list and warehouses in which the item has traveled but do not have assigned stocking codes are hidden. The checkbox Show stocking code item warehouses only is checked by default and only displays warehouses in which there is a stocking code assigned. To see the additional warehouses in which the item has traveled but do not have assigned stocking codes you uncheck the Show stocking code item warehouses only checkbox.

On the top of the Warehouses tab, the Stocking code field is displayed. This field is used to identify the default stocking method for this item in the e-automate system. e-automate assumes Stock for items that do not have this field populated. You use the fields at the bottom of the tab, Warehouse, Stocking code, Stock minimum, Stock maximum, and Auto update as well as the QuickAdd button to specifically identify a stocking method per warehouse. When you assign a stocking code to an item for a specific warehouse, the assigned stocking code is used by e-automate for only that item when processes through the identified warehouse. For example you can stock an item in one warehouse and drop-ship the item from another warehouse. If you want the item to have different stocking types for different warehouses, you must assign a stocking code to each warehouse.

One of the features offered by the e-agent task, Update Warehouse minimums is to update stocking minimum and maximum stocking levels for inventory items based on historical usage. Only warehouses that have the stocking code of Stock assigned and Auto Update checked are eligible to be updated by the e-agent task, Update Warehouse minimums. Another optional feature of the e-agent task, Update Warehouse minimums is to add the stocking code, Stock to warehouses listed on the tab and assign stocking minimums and maximums based on your historical usage of an item. With hundreds or thousands of items, e-agent can save you time and energy by calculating your usage and setting these levels automatically. e-agent can add the stocking code and levels for only items that have the Stocking code field at the top of the Warehouses tab populated with Stock. Items that do not have this field populated or are populated with anything other than Stock are skipped by e-agent when it comes to adding new levels.

The stocking code associated with an item on the Warehouses tab affects the way an item is treated on a sales order in e-automate. When a sales order is opened in e-automate, the system automatically populates the sales order’s Warehouse field. This field tells e-automate in which warehouse to look for inventory quantities for items added to the sales order as well as how an item should be treated on a sales order, pulled from stock, drop shipped, or special ordered. If the item on the Warehouses tab has an assigned a stocking code, Stock, Drop-ship, or Special Order by warehouse, e-automate always uses that method when adding the item to a sales order with a matching warehouse. If an item does not have an assigned a stocking code by warehouse, e-automate then looks in the Stocking code field at the top of the Warehouses tab to determine how to treat the item. If there is not a stocking code identifies, e-automate assumes, Stock.

If the Stocking code field is Drop-ship, then e-automate assumes the item will be drop shipped and sets the stocking code on the sales transaction as Drop-ship and configures the appropriate bin. If the Stocking code field is Special Order, then e-automate assumes the item will be special ordered and sets the stocking code on the sales transaction as Special Order and configures the appropriate bin.

The following e-automate system components work off information provided on the Warehouses tab.

The e-agent Update Warehouse Minimums task can create stocking levels or update your stocking levels based on the past six months’ usage. See help in e-agent for additional information.

The Comparative Item Usage report is also available in the Report Console, Sales analysis section. The Comparative Item Usage report works in a way similar to the e-agent task described above; however, the system generates a printed report for manual updates rather than updating the restock automatically.

The e-agent Item Reorder Alert notifies you by email of items that require ordering based on the minimum stock quantity.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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