Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

Additional Info - Call Priority and Priority Weight

You can associate call priorities with both call types and equipment/models. If you checked Use model priority parameters, e-automate will use the priority parameters identified on this equipment’s model. If not, e-automate uses the priority parameters identified on this equipment record.

When entering a service call, e-automate sets the initial call priority based on the call priority assigned on the equipment (or model) and the call priority assigned to the call type.

The following formula is used by e-automate for calculating the initial call priority. (Equipment’s Call Priority assigned rank*Equipment Priority weight)+(Call Type Priority rank*(1-Equipment Priority weight)) = Initial call priority rank.

To illustrate, we have an equipment record with a call priority of Medium and an assigned rank of 5. The priority weight assigned to the equipment is 40%. The call type is Copy Quality with an associated priority of High and an assigned rank of 2. The formula for initial call priority rank would be (5*.40)+(2*(1-.40))=3.2 or Initial Call priority rank. E-automate rounds to the nearest integer and assigns a call priority with a rank closest to 3.

If the equipment/model does not have a call priority and a weight, e-automate uses only the call type priority and rank in the initial call priority assignment. Initial call priority is calculated by e-automate whether or not call escalation is turned on.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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