Setting Sales Options
Sales options are system-wide options that govern how the company’s Sales module functions. These options identify your default sales order and invoice numbers as well as the overall behavior of Sales functionality.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Options to open the Options window.
In the left pane of the window, double-click on Sales. The Sales options display in the right pane of the window.
Basic InformationBasic Information
Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
Next sales quote number: Number of the next sales quote.
Next sales order number: Number of the next sales order.
Yield percentage: The percentage of the expected usage that a consumable item's actual usage must reach to prevent the system from displaying an item yield warning icon and message when a user adds the item to a sales transaction.
Note: By default, the Yield percentage field value is set to 0%, which effectively prevents the system from displaying item yield warnings. If you want to use this feature, you must enter a value in this field. For more information on using this functionality, see the "Configuring, Accumulating History for, and Understanding Item Yield Warnings" section of the Configuring and Using Equipment Supply Order Entry topic.
Duplicate sales order check: To enable e-automate to look for duplicate sales orders, check the Check for Duplicates box and enter the number of days to look back.
Quotes expire in: Number of days for which a quote is valid.
Set needed by date to: The number of days by which your customer requires an order they have placed with you to be received at their location.
Require sales order approval: If checked, the Approver field on the Miscellaneous tab of a sales order must be completed before the sales order can be fulfilled.
Auto-create equipment from sales invoice: When checked, the system automatically creates an equipment record for equipment-coded items when you generate a sales invoice or when a sales order is fulfilled. If you have equipment history tracking enabled, e-automate offers the ability to modify the already created equipment record.
Enable pre-billing on sales orders by order type: When checked, e-automate allows an end user to create sales orders and bill the items on the sales orders in advance. When unchecked, e-automate disables the pre-billing field on sales order details.
Pop up any messages immediately upon selection: When checked, if the customer has messages on the customer profile that can be displayed during a sales order or a sales invoice, e-automate will display the message immediately upon customer selection.
Require charge method: When checked, e-automate requires a charge method on sales orders and sales invoices.
Require password on sales orders if customer is over their credit limit: When checked, if a customer is over their credit limit, e-automate requires an administrative password in order to process the customer’s sales order.
Enable the auto availability checks and back order calculations on sales orders: When checked, e-automate checks the specified warehouse on a sales order for sufficient quantities on hand of the item you add to the sales order. If you have sufficient quantities, e-automate will add the item to the sales order and allocates the item. If you add an item to the sales order where there is insufficient quantities, e-automate calculates the amount it needs to backorder to provide for the quantity ordered. If you have none of the item on hand it backorders the entire quantity. If you have some on hand, e-automate calculates the quantity ordered, subtracts the quantity available and backorders the difference. When items are backordered, e-automate can use the backorder flag to assist in purchase order creation. The Inventory Logistics Console is used by e-automate to create purchase orders; it also uses the inventory management task and manual purchase order creation. Sales orders must have the backorders released before fulfillment. Backorders can be released through linked purchase order receiving, linked transfer order transfers, or manual release. For more information on transaction linking, see the Placing and Canceling Transactions Links topic.
Enable costing on non-inventory items: When checked e-automate will track costs for non-inventory items entered on Sales transactions if there is a COGS offset account set on the Sales Code.
Default the ship method from the Ship To customer: When checked e-automate will use the ship method assigned to the customer you are shipping to, regardless of parent-child relationship.
Fulfill service payroll expense offset: The payroll expense offset account that prevents double booking of payroll when you sell labor through the Sales module.
Default item filter for equipment supply orders: When entering items on sales orders, use the filter to limit the items that a user can see and choose from. Select the Remember last used radio button to filter by the last used criteria, or select Use and use the Lookup to select the filter you would like to configure. You can configure the Lookup to show only related items to the equipment, or related items to the equipment and the accessories, etc.
Credit Card ProcessingCredit Card Processing
In the left pane of the window, click on Credit Card Processing to display the Credit Card Processing options in the right pane.
Enter the appropriate selections in the following fields:
Require name on card: When checked, the system requires an entry in the Name on account field during entry of charge account information.
Note: Since all credit card transactions require the cardholder’s name, the system checks this box by default and it cannot be unchecked.
Require address, city, and state: When checked, the system requires an entry in the Address, City, and State fields during entry of charge account information.
Note: If you set Credit card vault to NET1, the system checks and disables this box because NET1 Payment Solutions requires entries in these fields. If you set Credit card vault to Reference Only, the system enables this box, allowing you to check/uncheck this box as appropriate.
Require zip code: When checked, the system requires an entry in the Zip field during entry of charge account information.
Note: Since all credit card transactions require the cardholder’s zip code, the system checks this box by default and it cannot be unchecked.
Processing payments before scheduled date: Select one of the following:
Note: This section applies to payments scheduled via e-info; when an e-info user schedules a payment, the e-info user can specify a future date on which the credit card transaction is to occur.
Allow: Permit processing of a credit card payment before the scheduled date associated with the payment in e-info. Do not display a warning to indicate that the scheduled payment date is in the future.
Warn: Issue a warning if an e-automate user attempts to process a credit card payment before the scheduled date associated with the payment in e-info, but permit the user to process the credit card payment before the scheduled date.
Do not allow: Prevent a credit card payment scheduled via e-info from being processed before the scheduled date associated with the payment.
Credit card vault: Use the lookup to select one of the following options for your company’s credit card processing system:
NET1: NET1 Payment Solutions is a PCI-compliant, ECI partner with e-automate.
Reference Only: This options allows you to process credit cards without requiring accounts. If you select this option, proceed to Step 3.
If you set Credit card vault to NET1 in the previous step, click [Configuration settings] to add your NET1 Payment Solutions account information.
Note: If you set Credit card vault to Reference Only in the previous step, proceed to Step 4; the Reference Only selection does not require any vault configuration settings.
Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
Merchant ID: Your company’s unique merchant ID provided to you by NET1 Payment Solutions.
Merchant key:Your company’s unique merchant key provided to you by NET1 Payment Solutions.
Originator ID:Your company’s unique originator ID provided to you by NET1 Payment Solutions.
Note: This is only used for ACH transactions.
EIN: Your company’s EIN number.
Note: This is only used for ACH transactions.
Click [OK] to save your NET1 Payment Solutions account settings and to return to the Credit Card Processing Options window.
Enter the appropriate information:
Allow credits to be issued without reference to originally charged invoice: When not checked, you are required to locate the original invoice to issue a credit.
Require pre-authorization on service calls with charge accounts: When checked, e-automate requires NET1 Payment Solutions to secure a deposit authorization on the credit card for all service calls with the charge method of Credit Card.
Service call pre-authorization amount: The monetary amount of the pre-authorization. NET1 Payment Solutions authorizes this amount temporarily on the credit card until the exact amount of the service call is identified.
Batch processing password: An e-automate password that is required when processing large batches of credit card transactions in the Process Customer Charge Accounts window. (Accounting > Accounts receivable > Process customer charge accounts). This is present to prevent the accidental processing of large batches of credit card transactions. You can leave this field blank and no password will be required for enabled users. If you enter a password, e-automate requires that password be entered before a batch credit cards are electronically passed to the merchant processor for processing. There are no restrictions on this field, you are welcome to enter any password you like and will only be required on batch processing.
Retype batch processing password: Verification of the value entered in the Batch processing password field. The Batch processing password field must be identical to the Retype batch processing password field in order for batch credit card processing to be passed to your merchant for processing.
User Defined FieldsUser Defined Fields
On the left side of the window, click on User Defined Fields.
Enter the appropriate information in the following fields:
User defined field x label: There are two user-defined fields that can be added on sales invoices and sales orders. Enter the label for each field in the respective field.
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click the [OK] button to save your changes and to close the Options window.
Note: If you made any changes, e-automate displays an Attention window, indicating that all users must restart e-automate in order for these changes to take effect. Do the following:
Click the [OK] button to acknowledge the message.
Restart e-automate so that these changes will take effect.
If you are running e-agent, restart e-agent as well.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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