Creating Inventory Codes
An inventory code is used to assign an inventory general ledger account to an inventory item. An inventory code can also be used to differentiate between items in your inventory on the inventory reports. When creating the inventory code, you specify an inventory account and an adjustment account. The inventory account is used by e-automate to track the value of your on-hand inventory, while the adjustment account is used to track any adjustments made to inventory items.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.
In the Select a list or code type field, use the drop-down menu to select Inventory Codes.
Click [New] to open the New Inventory Code window.
Basic InformationBasic Information
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Inventory code: Name of the inventory code.
Description: Brief description of the inventory code.
Inventory account: Use the lookup to select the account used to track the value of the inventory items with this code.
Adjustment account: Use the Lookup
icon to select the account used to track adjustments made to the value
of inventory items with this code.
Note: This account should be
a cost of goods sold or an expense account.
Department: Department to which inventory items with this code are assigned.
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click [OK] to save the inventory code.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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