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Creating Barcode Formats

If you use Digital Barcode to scan manufacturer barcodes when receiving items purchased from one or more vendors and if any of the manufacturers specially format their barcodes so that one barcode contains multiple pieces of information, then you use the information provided in this topic to define a barcode format for each manufacturer that tells the system what information the manufacturer's barcode contains and where the information is listed in the barcode.

For example, imagine you purchase a copy machine.  Instead of having one barcode for the copy machine's item number (e.g., 12345) and another barcode for the copy machine's serial number (e.g., ABCDEFG), the manufacturer generates one barcode for the copy machine where the first five characters contain the item number and the remaining characters contain the serial number (e.g., 12345ABCDEFG).  When you scan the copy machine's barcode using a scanner with Digital Barcode, the system shows the barcode as 12345ABCDEFG. If you define a barcode format that indicates barcodes from this manufacturer contain the item number in the first five positions and the serial number in the next seven positions, the system can find both the 12345 item number and ABCDEFG serial number in the manufacturer's bar code for the copy machine.
Note: In the example above, the vendor/manufacturer is printing the barcode label in this format, not the e-automate user. The e-automate user prints barcode labels to replace the vendor’s barcode label.

When creating the barcode format in e-automate, you identify a name and description for the format, and  then you define what each segment of the barcode represents, where it begins, and where it ends.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

From the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.

In the Select a list or code type field, use the drop-down menu to select Barcode Formats.

Click [New] to open the Add Barcode Format window.

Basic InfoBasic Info

In the Barcode format field, enter the name of the barcode format.

In the Description field, enter a brief description of the barcode format.

To add segment configurations of a barcode format, do the following:

In the Segment field, use the drop-down menu to select the segment for which you want to identify the position in the barcode number.

In the Start position field, enter a number that corresponds to the segment’s starting position in the barcode.

In the End position field, enter a number that corresponds to the segment’s ending position on the barcode.

Click [Add] to add the new segment configuration.

Repeat Steps a through d to add as many segment configurations as needed to create the format for the entire barcode.

To delete segment configurations of a barcode format, do the following:

Select the barcode segment configuration you wish to delete.

Click [Delete] to remove the segment configuration.

Repeat Steps a and b to delete as many segment configurations as needed to create the correct format for the entire barcode.

To update segment configurations of a barcode format, do the following:

Select the barcode segment configuration you wish to update.

Make the appropriate changes.

Click [Update] to update the segment configuration.

Repeat steps a through c to update as many segment configurations as needed to create the correct format for the entire barcode.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Click [OK] to save the new barcode format.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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