Setting General Ledger Options
You use the general ledger options to control the posting date when employees void invoices as well as general ledger entries. Users with appropriate e-automate permissions can void invoices in e-automate. Voiding an invoice in e-automate automatically creates a credit memo appropriate for the invoice voided. The date assigned to the credit memo created is controlled by the options identified under general ledger options. You can allow the original posting date of the voided invoice to be assigned to the auto-created credit memo, or you can direct e-automate to assign the current date to the created credit memo. If you configure it, you can allow your employee to select from any date for the credit memo when creating voiding an invoice. You also specify voiding rules for general ledger entries using the general ledger options.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Options to open the Options window.
In the left pane, click on General Ledger to display the options.
Basic InformationBasic Information
In the Void Settings region, select from the following:
Default Date
Today’s date: Select when you want e-automate to use the current date as the credit memo date when you void an invoice transaction.
Original transaction date: Select
this option when you want e-automate to use the date identified on
the original invoice transaction as the credit memo date when you
void an invoice transaction.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
User Selectable Date
Do not allow user to select a date: Select this option if you do not want the user to have a choice of the date identified on the credit memo when a user voids an invoice. When this option is selected, e-automate identifies either the original transaction date or today’s date as selected in the Default voiding date region above.
Allow user to select a date between the
original date and today: Select this option when you want to
allow the user to choose either, the original transaction date or
today’s date for the credit memo. When this option is selected, e-automate
identifies either the original transaction date or today's date as
selected in the Default voiding date
region above.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
Allow user to select any date: Select
this option when you want to allow your users to identify any date
on the credit memo e-automate creates when you void an invoice.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
In the Voiding Settings When Editing region, select from the following:
Default Date
Original transaction date: Select
this option when you want e-automate to use the date identified on
the original invoice transaction as the credit memo date when you
void an invoice transaction.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
Use New Correcting Date: Select when you want e-automate to use the current date as the credit memo date when you void an invoice transaction.
User Selectable Date
Do not allow user to select a date: Select this option if you do not want the user to have a choice of the date identified on the credit memo when a user voids an invoice. When this option is selected, e-automate identifies either the original transaction date or the new correcting date as selected in the Default date region above.
Allow user to select a date between the
minimum and maximum of the original transaction date and the correcting
date: Select this option when you want to allow the user to
choose a date between the original transaction date or the correcting
date for the credit memo. When this option is selected, e-automate
uses the original transaction date and the new correcting date parameters
as selected in the Default date
region above.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
Allow user to select any date: Select
this option when you want to allow your users to identify any date
on the credit memo e-automate creates when you void an invoice.
Note: This option could create
a credit memo dated in a closed period. e-automate can post by the
original transaction date but will post by period to the closest open
period associated with the credit memo date.
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click the [OK] button to save your changes and to close the Options window.
Note: If you made any changes, e-automate displays an Attention window, indicating that all users must restart e-automate in order for these changes to take effect. Do the following:
Click the [OK] button to acknowledge the message.
Restart e-automate so that these changes will take effect.
If you are running e-agent, restart e-agent as well.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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