Creating Depreciation Codes
A depreciation code is used to identify the expense accounts and associated departments to which you post your depreciation expenses. When creating a depreciation code, you can identify by percentage, depreciation expense and department combinations totaling up to 100%. Before you can save the depreciation code, you must distribute 100% of the expenses. When depreciating fixed assets, e-automate posts your expenses based on the definition of the depreciation code assigned to the fixed asset.
In e-automate’s Fixed Assets module, you associate depreciation codes with fixed asset codes, and fixed asset codes in turn with fixed assets. Therefore, when you assign a fixed asset code to a fixed asset in e-automate, you also assign a depreciation code. The depreciation code is automatically pre-populated to the fixed asset based on the selected fixed asset code; you can change the depreciation code if necessary. Because depreciation codes are a component of fixed asset codes, depreciation codes typically are created before fixed asset codes. Depreciation codes should be in place before you begin the creation of fixed asset codes.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Lists and Codes to open the Lists and Codes window.
In the Select a list or code type field, use the drop-down menu to select Fixed Asset Depreciation Codes.
Click [New] to open the New Depreciation Code window.
Basic InfoBasic Info
Complete the following fields as appropriate:
Depreciation code: Name of the depreciation code.
Description: Brief description of the depreciation code.
In the Expense account field, use the lookup menu icon to select your depreciation expense account.
In the Department field, use the lookup menu icon to select the department associated with this entry.
In the Percent field, enter the percent associated with this account and department combination.
Click [QuickAdd] to add the combination to the distributions list.
Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until you have distributed 100% of the expense.
To edit an entry in the distribution list, do the following:
Select the entry to edit.
Make any necessary changes to the Expense account field, the Department field, and/or the Percent field.
Click [Update].
To delete an entry in the distribution list, do the following:
Select the entry to delete.
Click [Delete].
The system displays a "Do you want to delete the selected item?" message. Click [Yes].
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click [OK] to save the depreciation code.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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