Setting Miscellaneous Options
The following options are grouped under miscellaneous options in e-automate:
Custom Properties: This option enables custom properties, giving you the ability to add custom fields on customers, contracts, equipment, makes and models.
Number Editing: These options allow you to determine what entities in e-automate can have their numbers edited. You can select from: contracts, customers, employees, equipment, items, and vendors.
File Attachments: This option allows you to determine where your saved files are located. You can also set a maximum size for files you will allow your users to attach and set the number of revisions of the files your users attach that you want the system to retain. This allows you to lower the amount of hardware memory used.
Export Modules: This option allows you to configure the export settings for specific areas of e-automate.
Disable "Auto populate" on lists: This option allows you to turn off auto populating on the service contracts list.
Require notes when voiding transactions: This option allows you to require users to enter notes when voiding transactions.
Require remarks when voiding transactions: This option allows you to require users to enter remarks when voiding transactions.
e-info URL: This option allows you to specify the URL you were provided to access e-info.
Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction
From the Tools menu, select Options to open the Options window.
In the left pane of the window, double-click on Misc. options. The miscellaneous options are displayed in the right pane.
Basic InformationBasic Information
Enable Custom Properties: When checked, e-automate enables the Custom Properties feature. You use this feature to add your own customized fields on customers, contracts, makes, models, and equipment records.
Contract Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the contract number once created.
Customer Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the customer number once created.
Employee Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the employee number once created.
Equipment Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the equipment number once created.
Item Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the item number once created.
Vendor Number: When checked, end users cannot edit the vendor number once created.
Click [File Attachment Options] to open the File Attachments window.
In the Local
network path field, enter the path or browse to the path in which
you want to store your attachments.
The directory you specify here must be accessible through your network.
In the Maximum file size in megabytes field, enter the maximum size of file you will allow your users to attach. If you do not specify a file size maximum, users may attach very large files, taking up large amounts of hardware memory.
In the Number of revisions to retain field, enter the number of revisions of the files you attach that you want the system to retain. Keep in mind that e-automate stores a completely different file for each revision, taking up hardware memory.
Click [OK] to save the file attachment settings and return to the Options window.
Click on [Export Modules] to open the Export Modules window and do ONE the following:
To use the Canon PO Export module, do the following:
Select Canon PO Export in the display.
Click [Configure] to open the Canon Purchase Order Export Configuration window.
In the Export
File Path field, enter the path or browse to the path in which
you want to store your export files.
The directory you specify here must be accessible through your network.
In the Ship to Code field, enter your Canon ship-to account number.
Click [OK] to save the configuration changes and return to the Export Modules window.
Click [Close] to close the Export Modules window and return to the Options window.
To use the PO Processor PO Export module, do the following:
Select PO Processor PO Export in the display.
Click [Configure] to open the PO Processor PO Export Settings window.
In the PIP Service URL field, enter the path for the PIP service URL.
In the Vendor Connector field, enter the vendor connector information.
In the Dealer Auth Token field, enter the dealer token information.
In the Dealer Pass Key field, enter the dealer key information.
Click [Set vendor mappings] to connect to the vendor and set mapping information.
Click [Set ship method mappings] to connect to the vendor and specify shipping methods.
Click [OK] to save the configuration changes and return to the Export Modules window.
Click [Close] to close the Export Modules window and return to the Options window.
To use the
PSN PO Export module, do the following:
See the Setting
Up PSN topic for more information on using this option.
Select PSN PO Export in the display.
Click [Configure] to open the PSN PO Export Module window.
In the PSN facility URL field, make no change to use the production URL with which the system populated this field.
In the PSN source ID field, enter your Great Plains Account ID.
In the Notifications email address field, enter the email address to which the system should send notifications if any issues occur regarding PSN transactions.
Click [Save] to save these entries.
Click [Close] to close the Export Modules window and return to the Options window.
Disable "Auto populate" on lists: When checked, e-automate turns off auto populating on the service contracts list.
Require notes when voiding transactions: When checked, a user must enter notes when voiding (or voiding and resetting) a transaction (e.g., AR/AP invoices, service invoices, service credit memos).
Require remarks when voiding transactions: When checked, a user must enter remarks when voiding (or voiding and resetting) a transaction (e.g., contract invoices, sales invoices, service invoices, miscellaneous charge invoices).
In the e-info URL field enter the URL you were provided to access e-info.
Click [Default e-info security] to open the Security Settings window.
Check the appropriate checkboxes based on the following descriptions:
Equipment: Where a customer can view equipment on and off contract as well as submit service calls.
Sales Orders: Where a customer can submit supply orders for equipment.
Service Calls: Where a customer can submit service calls and view service history, if enabled.
Meter Entry: Where a customer can enter meter readings directly to your e-automate database.
Account History: Where a customer can view customer account history, request invoices it enabled and pay invoices with a credit card if enabled.
Service History: When enabled, customers can see detailed information about service history of equipment.
Order by Category: Allows a customer to order items by simply identifying clicking on a category and then e-info displays the all the e-info enabled items that can be ordered online. Typically not recommended due to the specific nature of the supplies for each equipment and accessory.
User Management: Allows the designated user the ability to manage their own employees access to e-info. e-info users with user management rights can create new e-info users and assign them passwords.
When checked, all contacts associated with the parent customer inherit the rights that the parent location has for all locations.
Click [OK]
to save your security settings.
These settings are applicable to all users who sign up for access
to e-info through the auto sign up process.
Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction
Click the [OK] button to save your changes and to close the Options window.
Note: If you made any changes, e-automate displays an Attention window, indicating that all users must restart e-automate in order for these changes to take effect. Do the following:
Click the [OK] button to acknowledge the message.
Restart e-automate so that these changes will take effect.
If you are running e-agent, restart e-agent as well.
File Attachment TroubleshootingFile Attachment Troubleshooting
If you are receiving errors when trying to attach files, or your files do not show up after attaching them, your network directory is most likely set to either a non-existent directory, or a directory for which you do not have the proper rights.
The best way to test out this problem is by going into your file attachment Options and copying the directory listed. After copying this location, paste it into an Explorer window and press ENTER. If you have access to the folder it will browse to the folder. If you do not have access to it, Windows will tell you it cannot locate the directory. If Windows cannot locate the folder, you must locate the correct folder and fix it in the file attachment Options.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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