Task Functionality (On Premise)
Once tasks are created, you can choose to schedule the e-agent task so that it runs on an interval and/or run the task manually whenever you choose. When e-agent processes a task (whether it is a schedule task or one that is run manually), e-agent sends an e-mail to the specified e-mail address to indicate the task was run. In addition to scheduling and/or running tasks manually, you can also delete and/or suspend a task.
Manually Running TasksManually Running Tasks
To manually run an existing e-agent task from within e-automate on a system where you have e-agent installed, do the following:
From the e-automate Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
From the list of tasks, select the task you want to run manually.
Click [Run]. E-agent displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to run the selected task.
Click [Yes] to verify you want to run the
task. E-agent runs the selected task according to the settings configured
for the task.
When processing completes, e-agent updates the columns on the E-agent
- Tasks window as appropriate (e.g., when task processing completes,
e-agent increments the Has run column).
Scheduling TasksScheduling Tasks
When you create a task, you schedule when you want e-agent to run the task. You can also edit the schedule of an existing task. For information on scheduling a task that you are creating, see the appropriate topic for the task you are creating. To edit the schedule of an existing e-agent task from within e-automate on a system where you have e-agent installed, do the following:
From the e-automate Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
From the list of tasks, click the Edit link in the Action column of the row for which you want to edit the task's schedule. The system displays the E-agent - Edit Task ([Task Name]) window.
Click the Schedule tab to bring it forward.
In the Recurrence pattern region, select Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Last day of month, or No recurrence to indicate the frequency with which you want e-agent to process this task.
If you selected Weekly in the previous step, e-agent displays a Run on region with a checkbox for each day of the week. Check the box for each weekday on which you want e-agent to process this task.
In the Start recurrence field, enter (or use the drop-down calendar to select) the date and time you want this schedule to begin.
Note: This field is not available if you set Recurrence pattern to No recurrence.
In the End recurrence region, do one of the following:
Note: The options in this region are not available if you set Recurrence pattern to No recurrence.
To have e-agent process the task indefinitely using the specified Recurrence pattern, select No end date.
To have e-agent process the task only a specified number of times using the specified Recurrence pattern, do the following:
Select End after __ occurrences.
In the End after __ occurrences field, enter the number of occurrences.
To have e-agent process the task through a specified end date and time using the specified Recurrence pattern, do the following:
Select End by __.
In the End by __ field, enter the date and time by which processing of this task is to end.
Deleting TasksDeleting Tasks
To delete an existing E-agent task from within e-automate on a system where you have e-agent installed, do the following:
From the e-automate Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
From the list of tasks, select the task you want to delete.
From the toolbar, click [Delete]. E-agent displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to delete the selected task.
Click [Yes] to delete the task or [No] to cancel task deletion.
Suspending TasksSuspending Tasks
You can use the Suspend button to temporarily disable all e-agent tasks. To suspend all E-agent task from within e-automate on a system where you have e-agent installed, do the following:
From the e-automate Tools menu, select E-agent to open the E-agent - Tasks window.
From the e-agent
toolbar, click [Suspend]. E-agent suspends all tasks.
Note: All e-agent
tasks, no matter when their scheduled run time, are suspended if the
Suspend button is depressed
on the main toolbar. E-agent displays a message that tasks are suspended.
To un-suspend
all the tasks, click [Suspend] again.
When tasks are suspended, the suspend button appears depressed.
Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
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