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Creating Cashbook Accounts

A cashbook account is an account that needs reconciling such as a bank account or credit card account. Cashbook accounts can be set up for any asset and liability account that will need to be reconciled. Typical examples are savings accounts, credit card accounts, and checking accounts.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

On the Accounting menu, select Cashbook Accounts to open the Cashbook Accounts window.

Click [New] to open the Add Cashbook Account window.

Basic InformationBasic Information

Complete the following fields as appropriate:

Ledger account: General ledger account associated with this cashbook account.
Note: Some accounts may not show up in the Lookup menu because they have been previously associated with other cashbook accounts. Only one general ledger account can be associated with a cashbook account, because each cashbook account is based on a single general ledger account.

Account type: The type of account; cash, credit card, checking, or savings account.

Bank: Name of the bank where this particular account is open.

Contact: Name of the contact at the bank.

Phone: Contact's phone number.

Fax: Contact's fax number.

Routing number: Bank routing number.
Note: Routing numbers and account numbers are stored in the e-automate database in an encrypted format for security.

Account number: Bank account number.

Check number: Current check number, if it is a checking account. If it is not a checking account, enter 1.


To use this account to disburse payments electronically via EFT (ACH), check Use EFT payments.

The EFT tab fields listed below should be populated with values provided by your ACH contact at your financial institution. The ACH (Automated Clearing House) rules set standards for these fields, but your financial institution can change their values.  Ask your ACH contact for the appropriate values.

Immediate destination: Routing Number of the ACH Operator or receiving point to which the file is being sent. The 10 character field begins with a blank in the first position, followed by the four-digit Federal Reserve Routing Symbol, the four-digit ABA Institution Identifier, and the Check Digit.

Destination name: Name of the ACH or receiving point for which that file is destined.

Immediate origin: Routing Number of the ACH Operator or sending point that is sending the file. The 10 character field begins with a blank in the first position, followed by the four-digit Federal Reserve Routing Symbol, the four digit ABA Institution Identifier, and the Check Digit.

Origin name: Name of the ACH Operator or sending point that is sending the file.

Company ID: Provider’s identification number.

Company name: Provider’s name.

Select the Include account debit record in the EFT file checkbox if you want a debit record included in the EFT file. When checked, the electronic file concludes with a debit line. Your financial institution will direct you to either check or uncheck this checkbox. 

Adding Notes to a Cashbook AccountAdding Notes to a Cashbook Account

You can add Notes to a cashbook account. Follow these steps:

From the Cashbook Accounts list, highlight the account to which you want to add a note.

Click Notes.

Primary note is a note you add that can be edited.

The Note field is used to add additional notes. You can choose to allow or disallow editing by selecting the proper Note Type.
Note: Enter the note associated with this cashbook account.
Type: Use the lookup to choose the note type. When you create a note type you can choose to make it editable.

Click [QuickAdd].

Click [OK].

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

Click [OK] to add the account to the cashbook account list.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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