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Creating Recurring Vendor Invoices

E-automate provides you with the ability to create multiple vendor invoices, dated in the future, to pay recurring charges such as rent.

Getting to the TransactionGetting to the Transaction

From the Accounting menu, select Accounts Payable > Recurring accounts payable invoices to open the Recurring accounts payable invoices window.

Click [New] to open the New - window.

Basic InformationBasic Information

In the Vendor field, use the lookup icon to select the vendor from whom you are receiving the recurring invoices. The system populates the Phone field based on the vendor selected and sets the Type field to Vendor invoice.

In the Description field, enter a brief description for the recurring vendor invoice.

In the Purchaser field, use the lookup icon to select the person in your company who is making the purchase.
Note: Only employees flagged as purchasers are displayed in the Purchaser Lookup. This field can be set by your administrator to automatically populate with a main purchaser.

In the Recurring no. field, enter a number unique to this recurring invoice.

In the Number field, you can allow e-automate to automatically assign the next available number by leaving the (Next) in the field or you may enter a custom number.

In the Vendor invoice field, enter the vendor's invoice number for this recurring invoice.

In the Posting cycle field, use the lookup icon to select how frequently you want e-automate to post the recurring entry.

In the Next date field, if you set a posting cycle for your recurring entry, set the next date you want the recurring invoice to post.

If you want the system to post the recurring invoice on the last day of each month, check the Last day of month checkbox.
Note: If you enter the last day of the month in the Next date field, the system automatically checks the Last day of month checkbox. If this box is checked when you post a recurring invoice, the system will default the Next date field's value to the last day of the next month (e.g., a Next date of 1/31 will cycle forward—in a non-leap year—to 2/28, then to 3/31, and so on).

In the Amount field, enter the amount due on recurring vendor invoices.

Charges TabCharges Tab

Ensure the Charges tab is selected and click [Add] to open the Add charge window.

Type a brief description of the non-inventory charge(s) in the Description field.

Enter the dollar amount debited to the account from the credit memo in the Amount field.

Choose ONE of the following to apply the invoice.

Apply to GL Account:

In the Account field, use the lookup to select the account to be credited with this charge, or use the drop-down menu to create a new account.
Note: The total charges you allocate to general ledger accounts must equal the amount of the invoice.

In the Department field, use the lookup to select the department you want to associate with this credit memo, or use the drop-down menu to create a new department.

In the Branch field, use the lookup to select the branch you want to associate with this credit memo, or use the drop-down menu to create a new branch.
Note: This field only appears if branching is enabled.

Apply to GL distribution code:

In the Distribution code field, use the lookup to select the distribution code you want to associate with this credit memo, or use the drop-down menu to create a new distribution code.

In the Job number field, use the Look up to select the number of the job, if any, associated with this credit memo.

If you want this item excluded from the total when e-automate calculates a terms discount check the Exclude from terms discount checkbox.

Click [OK] to save the charge or [Apply] to save the charge and all another.

Miscellaneous TabMiscellaneous Tab

Click the Miscellaneous tab to bring it forward.
Note: Typically you do not have to change information on the Miscellaneous tab. However, you can make special corrections by modifying the fields when necessary.

In the Accounts payable field, use the Lookup to select the account to be credited for the purchase.
Caution: Only in rare circumstances should you change the accounts payable account. Changing the account here can cause your Aged Accounts Payable report to be out of sync from your Balance Sheet.

In the AP branch field, use the Look up to select the branch used for this vendor invoice.
Note: The AP branch field only displays when you are using branching.

In the Terms field, use the lookup to select the vendor's payment and discount terms.

In the Discount rate field, enter the discount available if the payment is made by the discount date.
Note: The Discount rate field is automatically populated based on the selection in the Terms field. You can change the rate if you choose.

In the Job number field, enter the number of the job, if any, associated with this vendor invoice.

In the PO number field, enter the purchase order number, if any, associated with this vendor invoice.

Remarks TabRemarks Tab

To include remarks, click the Remarks tab and enter them.

Completing the TransactionCompleting the Transaction

When the Summary box and the Charges tab display the same total, click [OK]. E-automate saves the vendor invoice and posts the invoice to accounts payable and the specified accounts.


Non-supported ReleaseNon-supported Release
ECI no longer supports this version of e-automate, and this version of the online help is no longer being updated. ECI recommends upgrading to the current release. Contact your account manager for more information.

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